Slenderman (Slendy)

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Backstory:The real name of Slenderman was Simon

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The real name of Slenderman was Simon. When he was a child, he loved playing in the woods. He was a very strange child. In fact, he liked to go in the woods during the night and he wasn't afraid.
When he was 10-years-old his house burned and his parents died. Simon, who saved himself, ran into the woods and he found a dark and small house. That was Granny's house. Granny was the mother of Slenderina's mom. She welcomed Simon and took care of him. Granny was a widow and her daughter was named Angelene. Angelene and Simon grew together and when they were 17-years-old, they fell in love with each other. They spent a lot of time walking in the woods, but one night Simon lost Angelene in them. Eventually, he found her lying on a dark path, he brought her home and Granny medicated the wound on her leg. When Angelene woke up, she said that a dog with red eyes and sharp teeth had bitten her leg and she kept talking about a curse. She seemed to be crazy, and she said that while she slept, she dreamed that they will have a cursed daughter.
A year later, Simon and Angelene decided to move and change house. Then Slenderina was born, but when she was 14-years-old the curse occurred. One night, while Simon and Slenderina were playing in the woods, they saw a shadow figure in the sky that looked like Slenderina's mother. She ran home while her dad was still in the woods. When Simon went home, he found his wife and daughter dead in the bed. He became mad and very sad so he went into the kitchen and killed himself with a knife. But they were pulling a prank on him, so they went to the kitchen and found him dead. They ran into the woods to look for help but they couldn't find anyone. They went back into the kitchen, but Simon's body wasn't there, he moved. Then they went into the bedroom and found his body lying on the bed. He slowly raised up on the bed and took both of them to the underworld, taking their souls. Eventually, Slenderina and her mother began to haunt houses.
After the curse Simon's face became empty and pale, his arms and legs became longer and he got tentacles on his back. For these reasons he is called Slenderman.
Slenderman started to haunt woods to look for children to play with.

Slenderman's general appearance consists of a tall figure standing from 6 to 14 feet tall wearing a black suit, white shirt, a black or red tie, black trousers and black shoes, with long black tentacles coming from his back. However, it is possible that this is not his real form, and that he is actually an eldritch being whose true form cannot be comprehended.

He is portrayed to have a fatherly and typically caring personality to other creepypasta characters, usually getting irritated by their antics and controlling what goes on in the mansion.

Powers and abilities:
He can control person's mind and become invisible. He appears to be able to follow any or all targets regardless of where they go or where and how they hide. It isn't certain how he does this, but he seems able to keep a perfect trace on his targets.

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