Jane the Killer

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Don't go to sleep

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Don't go to sleep. You won't wake up.

Name: Jane the Killer (Jane Richardson)

Age: 28 (???)

Birthday: September 1st

Father: Bruce (deceased)
Mother: Paula (deceased)
Sister: Unknown

Jane Richardson started off as your typical girl, the talk of the town who's got it all - a lovely girlfriend, a job she enjoys, excellent friends, an amazing family and promising future. But in 2002. her world came crashing down when both her parents, Paula and Bruce Richardson, were brutally murdered by the wanted murder Jeff the Killer. Leaving Jane to have to work more and earn extra to support her and her sister.
Flash forward to years later, the government chose Jane after 25 failed attempts (the test subjects died) to hopefully be the person who survived an injection of 'Liquid Hate'. Liquid Hate is very risky chemical formula that could, hopefully, power up human's senses and overall abilities, so the number of serial killers could be lowered. The funding for Liquid Hate cost a total of $6.9 million dollars. Subjects would experience violent episodes and homicidal tenders for the first minute and thirty seconds, but will act and appear normal once the episodes cease. Jane, needing extra money to support her and her sister and believing that she was merely donating blood, agreed. Jane proved to be the first person who survived the injection, which caused her peach skin color to become pale white and her hair to become black along with her eyes. Jane decided to use her newfound abilities to capture and take the life of the man who ruined hers: Jeff the Killer.

Before being injected with Liquid Hate, Jane appeared to originally have blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, along with fair peach skin.
After her transformation, as a side effect of Liquid Hate injection, Jane's skin turned to chalk-whitr and her previously blue eyes and blonde hair turned completely coal-black, retinas and all. Despite this, she still has a perfect 20-20 vision. She is mostly depicted wearing a black dress and high heels, and sometimes black stockings.

Jane was once a kind-hearted, spirited young woman who wanted nothing more than to make her family happy. After her transformation she still managed to contain her caring and happy nature, but when angered she is more wrathful, ruthless and violent but only towards criminals, rapists and serial killers. Unlike Jeff, she doesn't murder innocent people.

Powers and abilities:
Due to effects of injection, Jane gained abilities that gave her boost in strength, agility, durability and stealth. Other results included increase of alcohol, drug and tobacco tolerance, running faster than a track athlete on steroids, accelerated healing, limb regeneration and increased metabolism. Jane is also a highly charismatic and intelligent woman, often seen seducing criminals into getting information before killing them.

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