Homicidal Liu

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Name: Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)

Age: 21

Birthday: December 21st

Father: Peter (deceased)
Mother: Margaret (deceased)
Brother: Jeffrey Woods

Boy named Billy and his mother heard screaming from the house next door and went to Liu's rescue after Jeff had abandoned his victim. He almost died in the hospital but pulled through. It was when a nurse happened to be talking about what his brother had done to him, referring to Jeff as a monster, they Liu snapped and stabbed her over and over until she died. His first victim.
He fled the hospital to the house, grabbed only a few belongings, burned the rest and then left the state. Once he had blood on his hands, Liu couldn't turn back. But despite the horrifying events, Liu still cared deeply about his younger brother and forgave him in the end because he's experienced first hand the will to kill. On the other hand, Liu's killing may also be influenced by Sully, a dark-eyed sociopath/psychopathic personality he developed after the night Jeff tried to kill him, to cope with the traumatic events.
Sully claims to have disowned Jeff as a brother and hates him, but has shown some signs that he may still care for Jeff in some way. Sully fears Jeff at times, especially the events of that night. Even though he acts older than it, Sully claims to be only 7-years-old, a reference to how long it has been since his personality developed. He holds some consideration and feelings for Liu himself since they share a same body and he refrains from killing anyone Liu cares about due to 'not wanting to make Liu depressed'.

Liu is portrayed as being around 21-24 years old, having medium brown hair, light green eyes and multiple scars and stitches reaching across his face to his neck, from living through a horrifying experience of his brother attempting to murder him. He is often seen wearing a black sweater, dark blue jeans and a dark grey and light grey striped scarf.

He is quite protective, especially over those who he considers close and important to him. He was always considered to be the overly defensive and courageous one among his family and friends. At times he can be straightforward, as Liu isn't afraid of confrontations or standing up to people, and he refuses to take crap from anyone. But due to Sully's influence, he can ultimately change from his normal self into a violent, vicious and dangerous serial killer. Taking great joy in ending people's lives,or as Sully himself would simply put it: "It just feels damn good, bitch!"

Powers and abilities:
Similar to his brother Jeff,. Liu is also very strong and fast. Using his superior abilities to murder his victims with ease. Liu is even displayed to be incredibly durable and resilient since he was able to avoid his death, when his brother tried gutting him, and survive the attack.

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