Daisy White

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Name: Daisy White

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Name: Daisy White

Age: around 18-20

Father: alive
Mother: alive
Older sister: alive

Daisy was born in the modern world around 2000, after an "accident" during one of her investigations, she got forced into a state in which she gets to shift between human and ghost. Before the incident, she was self-employed journalist/investigator, the things she worked with are manly supernatural/paranormal activities. After the investigations she would upload the data to her website, it's been making her a fortune.

Although she's been investigating these things and went to all the places, she has never met anything out of ordinary. People even started to joke about how Daisy was too domineering that she scared all the supernatural beings away.

Her parents are all alive and well, and she has an older sister with who she didn't interact much, especially after the incident. Daisy has been like a perfectionist towards herself since young age due to her parent's expectations. Because she was able to live up to the expectations, her parents have been feeding her up with praises and anything she wanted, which only made the need to be perfect exaggerated more as she grew older.

The headache she has been having started to really affect her life, so she took a health check in the hospital and found out that she had a serious brain tumour. She couldn't take the fact that the tumour and the treatment that came with it would ruin her absolute perfectness, not to mention that she was aware of death's existence. The need to be perfect just got more and more extreme since.

She started to seek ways to escape death, even if it was not practical. She didn't believe in ghosts, but she was desperately trying to find any evidence that they exist. That's when she found Wendell during one of his unconscious starving states. Because of his lapse and her stubbornness, Wendell didn't successfully consumed her soul, he was only able to pull her soul out of her body.

Soon after she has been pulled out, handcuffs-like things showed up and chained her, which made her unable to be fully out of Wendell's control. She was pissed about the sudden attack, but then soon realised that this was what she has been looking for all along. The reassurance of the afterlife and the power that came with it only satisfied her. She then suggested a proposal with Wendell to help him with his quest, and in return he will try to figure out how to set her free.

She's fully aware that Wendell isn't telling her something, and with how unbending he is, he would never tell her even if she asked. Therefore, she's been secretly recording everything weird about him in her notebook and waiting for the opportunity to test her theories.

Her hair appearance can change depending on her mood. Since her hair is anti-gravity when she is in her ghost form, the more excited she is, the more gravity her hair will lose. It also shares the same rule with her appearance. The more intense her feelings get, the more vines grow inside her skin till it reaches her head. Her eyes have three types of form as well.

Powers and abilities:
She's able to use black vine-like matter as a weapon. It can grow out of her surroundings when she wishes, and her strength also increases when she's out of her body. Different from Wendell, she's able to touch things in the real world even in her ghost form. When she cries (which doesn't happen often), her tears would be anti-gravity and untouchable like air.

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