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There are two verses of his backstory, I don't know which one is the real one so I put both.

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You shouldn't have done that

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You shouldn't have done that.

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

Name: BEN DROWNED (Benjamin Lawman)

Birthday: April 23rd

1) Ben was just a average kid who loved video games, Legend of Zelda more specifically. His dad was a heavy drinker but it was never a problem. When Ben got Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask he was so excited, he had wanted this game for months, as soon as he got it he rushed to his room and put it in the N64 then played it all night.
At school he didn't have many friends, yet he had many bullies. As he got further in the game he started playing it more, more than he should have. His dad was getting concerned about the time his son was using for the game, he made lots of plans for cool places they could go to, but it never happened. As the days went by, Ben was getting further in the game, further to the final boss, yet in a way he didn't want to beat it. Because his fun would end and he would go back to being the depressed little kid he was before. He knew he could replay the game, but it wouldn't be the same the second time. Ben got to the stone tower temple on the final day and saved the game before going to bed.
The next day his dad had a surprise for him, they were going to a local lake that was usually empty. Ben couldn't stay at home, if he stayed he would have beat the game, he would have lived.
Almost as soon as they got there, Matt (Ben's father) pulled out some beer. Ben hated it when his dad drank. He sat on the shore but when it was too hot he ran into water and splashed himself, he would still rather be at home beating the game. Suddenly Matt got mad because Ben accidentally splashed him. "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT BEN" he yelled as he lunged at him. Ben tried to get away from him but he wasn't fast enough. Matt slammed him under the water but Ben wasn't going down without a fight. He grabbed his dad's arm and twisted it around, causing him to let go. Ben burst to the surface gasping for air but suddenly something blunt hit him on the head. He fell harshly to the bottom of the lake, somehow a shattered beer bottle paralyzed him. Just before everything faded, the Happy Mask Salesman popped into his mind with the words "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you Ben?", then he ran out of breath.
(His father is not his real father)

2) An innocent 12-year-old boy, Ben was drowned and subsequently killed by an unknown old man. However, the spirit of Ben, named BEN DROWNED, started messing with the game after the Ben file was deleted before he was able to escape and haunt other forms of technology, eventually finding a realm known as the Under Realm and decided to live there.

Ben is a spirit who appears as a corrupted form of Link. Ben almost always looks high, laid back, or tired due to his droopy eyelids. He has light grey skin, black eyes with small red pupils, white, messy hair, and pointy, elf-like ears. His usual outfit consists of an incredibly pale green tunic, a large pointy hat, black pants, and black, pointy shoes. He is noticeably rather small, being either knee-high with waist-length compared to most characters.

Whenever he is off drugs, he has black iris' with red pupils and his scleras are red as well

He is very laid-back, deadpan, calm, and doesn't seem to care about anything. At times he uses his influence of the internet and his intelligence to solve problems his friends can't figure out, but also uses them for his own personal gain. He is a party-loving pot smoker who is prominently very lazy and addicted to video games. When he plays video games he shouts insults at other players through the headset about their mothers, sexuality and how bad they are at the game. His humor tends to be crude or crass, with an emphasis on dirty jokes. His voice is like that of a hipster or a stoned surfer dude, which is mainly calm and cool at times (but only when he's on Black Stuff). He almost never yells or raises his voice unless he is scared or really angry.

Powers and abilities:
Shape-Shifting: Ben can immediately take the shape of different creatures at will.

Cyber Travel: Ben lives in cyberspace, meaning he can travel through the internet from computer to computer and leave as he pleases.

Incredible Speed: Ben can move at incredible speeds, being able to swiftly kill four people in the time it took for a raindrop to fall from a streetlight.

Immortality: Due to a side effect of being a tangible spirit, Ben does not physically age, potentially able to live indefinitely. Also, as a result, he has retained his youthful appearance along with his prime health and vitality, However, he is still susceptible to pain via starvation, cold, physical injury, poisonous gases; and could be killed by powerful beings such as Slenderman, Aton, Zalgo, etc. Ben can also be killed as easily as being drowned again.

Levitation: Ben can hover several feet off the ground and slowly descend back to the ground afterward at will.

Fourth-Wall Awareness: Ben seems to be aware that he is a character made for the audience's amusement. He has communicated and spoke directly to the audience countless times.

Broadway Force: Ben can tap into the Broadway Force by spontaneously breaking into song and dance, causing everyone and everything around them to become bound by it, and compelled to join in.

Time/Spatial Manipulation: If he becomes sober, Ben can (albeit unintentionally) rip apart the fabric of reality, even affecting beings like Slenderman and Mr. Widemouth.

Resistance to Poison: While he can feel the effects of it, Ben cannot be killed with poisonous darts/gases, etc.

Teleportation: Ben can teleport at will, able to travel through space and from realm to realm

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