Chapter 1 Born

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This is kind of an extension of the introduction. The chapters get better I promise!

I tried to make it sound somewhat like old fashion talk since some of the characters are very old, but unfortunately I'm not the best at that so ya.

Dedicated to: PrincessKay143

I HOPE YOU ENJOY! Vote and comment please!!


Chapter 1 Born

Years ago, I was human. I had everything. I had a marvelous life with every possible dream a person like me could dream.

I had friends, real friends. They were people who cared, listened, and did whatever they could to help.

My best friend, Amelia, had much less than I, but never showed any sort of jealousy or envy.

2000 AD is when I was born a human. I grew up with Amelia. Never did we leave each others side.

My father was the wealthiest man in our city. He was not arrogant, but he was loving.

My mother showed just as much selflessness. She loved my father with all her heart.

Both parents hearts filled with nothing but joy when my mother boor a child, me. I was to be named Thalia Martinez, the daughter of Rachel and John Martinez.

Amelia's parents and mine were the closest you could possibly get. They even decided to have children at the same time, so they would be able to learn from each other.

Amelia and I new each other since we were born. October 24th, 2000 AD is the date when both of us came out of our separate mothers wombs.

We grew up and learned everything together.

On October 24th, 2014 AD, is when the crisis in our city occurred.


My mother and father, both the age of twenty nine, walked together in the near by meadow that neighbored our city.

Rachel Martinez, my mother, was now nine months pregnant with me in her womb. I was due any day at that point.

They walked slowly and gracefully by the small lake that Amelia's parents and mine went to when they needed comforting. I kicked Rachel's stomach from the inside, making her and my father laugh in great joy.

Then, my mother screamed in agonizing pain. I was ready to see the light of the world. I was ready to feel the warm sunlight touch my skin and face as I was brought into the new world.

My father got the doctors from the city to come and help. They rushed towards my mother, and helped her bring me onto earth.

Just hours after the miracle of creating life, another miracle occurred of the same nature. Amelia Amber, my best friend, daughter of Haley and Mark Amber, was born.

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