Chapter 20 We Can Let Go

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Hey guys! Sorry my updates are so spread out! I'm trying to make these chapters as good as possible!


Chapter 20 We Can Let Go

As I laid in bed beside Alec, my mind kept wandering to what happened last night.


Alec deepened the kiss, exploring my mouth with his tongue. My fingers ran through his dark hair as his hands held me by the hips keeping me close to him.

It felt like I finally hand the whole world, everything I ever wanted within my reach, until he pulled away. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Alec looked away from me and took a step back. "I don't want you to be my rebound." His face was back to the lost and depressed look again.

"Rebound? What are you talking about?" I asked, knowing he was referring to Sarah. "Alec, Sarah was nine hundred years ago. I don't consider this me being your rebound."

"Well I do." Alec snapped back. I shut my mouth, knowing he was probably going to give me a lecture now. "I'm sorry, Thalia. You know I will never stop loving Sarah. There hasn't been a day that has gone by that I haven't thought of her."

I stepped closer to him and carefully placed my hands on his cheeks. He looked deep into my eyes. I swear he could see straight through me to my soul. "I understand the feeling. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't thought of my family either. I get it, Alec.... Can't we just try to let go together?"

His eyes narrowed as if trying to see even deeper into my soul. "You know you can't do that. You had a family who loved you and cared for you. You can't let that go."

I sighed knowing he was right and that he knew he was right. "Okay, maybe I can't let go of my family, but I know you have the strength to let go of Sarah."

He took my hands off of his cheeks and held them in his. "I'm not sure if I want to."

That hurt me, but I knew he would let go eventually, he had to. All I wanted at that moment was him. I wanted him to feel exactly the way I did for him.

It can't be healthy for someone to be this sad and this broken still after nine hundred years. That is the moment when I decided that I would help him let go. Whether he ends up with me or not, he deserves to be happy.

I squeezed his hands, and said, "Then just take your mind off of it. Let's forget about the bad times for one night. We can do it together."

Alec nodded and gave me what looked like an attempt of a smile. "I'd like that."

Once again, our lips crashed together and it felt like everything was the best it's ever been. A rush of happiness went through my body as he leaned me back onto his bed.

He began to strip me down as I did the same to him. Everything took off from there.


I rolled over so that I was on top of Alec's naked and muscular body. Last night was my first time. Alec Volturi was the one to hold my virginity forever. I wouldn't want it any other way. "I enjoyed myself last night." I told him.

He smirked at me and said, "So did I." I smiled at him back.

"So where does this leave us?" I asked. I hoped with all my heart that this between us could continue.

He chuckled and said, "I'm not sure. Just help me make sure we don't turn into friends with benefits."

"How about we just stick together. It can help us both heal." I assured him.

"Yes, I know it can. I'd like that very much." He said as he gently caressed my face with his index finger.

I nodded and pecked him on the lips with a kiss. I rolled off of him and stood up. "Well we should probably get up and head to the throne room."

Alec got up and slipped on his pants. He looked to me and said, "You should probably get dressed too. Unless you want to walk into the throne room wearing your birthday suit."

We both got dressed and walked to the throne room hand in hand.

Last night was like heaven. If only every night I could feel like that. He made me feel special and safe. He made me forget all the horrible things that were around us. All of the people that I've seen die since my village burnt down. Being with him that night made me feel like as long as we had each other that it would be okay. Some may say that's sick, with being okay with those lives being taken, but love can be dangerously blinding, and it can blind you from the world around you.


Thank you to everyone who had stayed with me!! I'm so sorry about my slow updating! I'll try my best to update faster!!

I'm sorry for the short chapter but I felt I should separate this from what is happening next. Also sorry for the all the errors that are in this chapter it's not well edited!!

PLEASE vote and comment!! I really want to hear your criticism on this!

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