Chapter 21 Let Us Reminisce

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Finally another chapter!!

I'm sorry, this is kind of another filler!


Chapter 21 Let Us Reminisce

It's been a week since Alec and I agreed to let go together. Everyone knows about us, we aren't keeping it a secret. We haven't had any sex since our first night together. We've pretty much just been making out and getting into deep conversations.

Alec talks about Sarah a lot. I encourage him to because maybe if he gets it all out he can move on. I think we are still in the attempting to move on phase. I try to be as supportive as I can be. I can sense Alec's hurt on the inside when we talk. It makes me want to cry because his pain seems contagious.

The way he describes his relationship with Sarah to me, it seems like they were perfect for each other. Yes, it hurts me to listen because I like him, but I need to be supportive.

When I'm the one talking I talk about my family and all the good and bad times we had together. I talked about how I crushed on Luke for all of those years, how my mom loved it when I would come home from school because it was the highlight of her day hen our family could be together. I miss them a lot, but Alec is being extremely supportive for me too. He's openminded when we talk. Everyday he opens up more and more to me.

"There was this one time, on our twenty fifth year anniversary of knowing each other," Alec told me, "that she tried human food for the first time since she was a human herself." He smiled while he reminisced about his past. "She ate some bread that was in the home of a family we had just murdered. Sarah put it in her mouth and said she couldn't taste it. She swallowed and began to cough. After about a minute she ended up throwing up."

"I didn't know vampires could throw up." I told him.

"I didn't either until then. She was fine afterwards. Aro got angry with her though, for consuming human food." He paused, and I looked up at his face he had a hard look, the face he always has on when he's deep in thought.

We were laying on his bed side by side looking up at the ceiling. "Your turn to tell." he said.

I began trying to think of something to share with him. I had already told about him the majority of my times with Amelia so I needed something else to say. I've thought about talking about Alexander before, but I'm not sure that's a good idea yet. I still think everyone on the Volturi except Amelia and I are angry with him because of his interactions with our village. Alec wouldn't be upset would he? I've shared about Luke so why would Alexander be different? I suppose it will come it eventually, so why not now, right? "Okay, one time when Alexander came to visit, this girl in my village named Rebekah came up to him. She was obsessed with him. Every time he would visit she would be freaking out. I guess she thought he was attractive."

"Alexander, as in the vampire Alexander?" Alec questioned.

"Yes." I replied worrying he would get mad. He just nodded for me to continue. "Okay, so when she came up to him she just started to hyperventilate and sweat. She was going to say something along the lines of 'I think you're hot' but she just stood there continuing to hyperventilate. She ended up passing out for a few minutes. She was perfectly fine, physically, after that. Emotionally, she was embarrassed. I guess I felt kind of bad for her because she had planned out what she was going to say before, but it was also funny."

Alec gave me a weird look. "What did Alexander do?" he asked.

"He was trying to calm her down the whole time. When she fainted he trying to give her CPR, not mouth to mouth though." I explained.

"Sounds like a very amusing time." He said with a smirk. Alec doesn't smile often, so if you get a smirk, that's pretty damn good.

I nodded in agreement. "Your turn." I said.

This is how our 'sharing time' would go. We'd alternated turns telling stories of our past. I was running out of stories to tell, considering how I'm much younger than Alec. I had a feeling he had plenty more in his pocket. I guess I just had to come up with more, even if they were not the most interesting. I just hope that these sessions will help him fully open to me and let go of Sarah more easily.



•first, I'm so sorry about my spaced out updates it's a combination of a lot of things slowing me down

•second, I'm sorry for how sloppy this chapter is its a filler and I know it sucks I'm so sorry!

•finally, please send me a private message or leave a comment (private message preferred) about how you would like the story to happen so maybe I can get some better ideas!

Thank you!

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