Chapter 2 The Crisis

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Please vote and comment! I know the last few chapters might not have been as interesting, but it will get better!

Dedicated to: PrincessKay143


Chapter 2 The Crisis

It had been fourteen years since Amelia and I had been freed from our mothers bodies. Since then, I have gone to school and learned the ways of my people and the ways of others. Amelia and I only left each other when our families needed time just to ourselves. Life seemed nothing but perfect in our eyes.

I was walking with Amelia through the meadow, where I was born, just after school. We would go there every day afterwards, and talk for hours.

Our town seemed to develop very slowly considering how we didn't use much electricity. We new about it, but rarely used it. Our homes were made of wood, and few bricks. We were way below the poverty line.

Sitting under the tallest of the few trees, I said, "Amelia, what would you like to have for your birthday?"

"Thalia, there is no need to get me anything. After all , we share the same brithday." She kindly replied.

"That is true. I cannot believe that in one day, we will have lived for fourteen years. Maybe then, will my father let me have the chance to get to know Lucas more." Lucas was the most handsome boy in my village. He had light brown hair that was fairly short. His muscles were large, but not to the point where it was unbelievably noticeable, or unattractive. He was decently tall, and extremely kind and caring. I had a huge crush on him. It was as if I could just go up to him and marry him on the spot. Of course I couldn't, the main reason being I have only talked to him once.

"Haha." She chuckled. "Maybe so."

We sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying the peacefulness that filled the air.

Moments later, I heard a scream that sound like the person was going through pure torture. Amelia and I turned our heads and ran back to the town.

We looked around to see nothing but fire and bleeding people. We both ran to our houses, which were right next to each other, and found them covered in flames, burning to the ground. From what I could see, nobody was in my home when it began to erupt in fire.

Amelia's home however, had her entire family trapped when it began. I saw the lifeless bodies of everyone in her family, burning with no hope to escape. She broke down in tears as she watched her family being cremated.

I turn around and saw a horrendous sight. Bodies of the people I loved and knew, were lying in a bloody pile, all dead.

Standing beside them was a boy. A boy whom I had never seen before. He looked about the age of six, and had eyes as red as roses. Blood dripped from the little child's mouth, as his face still looked like it longed for more to drink.

My culture knew about creatures such as this. Their lightning fast speed, blood red eyes, pale white skin, and their bodies cold as death.

Amelia and I had a friend who came to our town every so often. His name was Alexander. He would tell us things that elaborated on what we had already learned from the people who lived in our village. He would tells us about animals that sparkled in the sunlight, and looked as beautiful as a million diamonds while doing so. He also had the features that he described, but never said anything about them even if we would ask. Vampires we would call them.

The little boy was still. He gazed upon the humans that lie in front of him. Then his head turned and he looked behind him.

I hadn't even noticed the dozen more pale creatures that stood in back of him. They hadn't been there before.

Amelia stopped sobbing and was glaring at the scene in front of us as well. We were both paralyzed in fear. Neither one of us moved a muscle knowing that if we did, they would spot us.

I knew that our scent was well hidden underneath all the smoke and blood. Vampires were supposed to have unbelievable senses that couldn't even compare to a normal humans.

Through the smoke that the burning bodies were giving off, I saw a girl, who appeared to be a vampire, and was looking at the small boy in disappointment. "Bad little boys need punishment," she said as she picked him up and tossed him into the pile of burning bodies causing him to burn with them.

I almost screamed from terror, but caught my self. Alexander told me something of this nature. A vampire government who enforced the law. They ruled for thousands of years and did their job well. They ruled by fear and strength. If I remember correctly, the coven is called the Volturi. They are said to have the most dangerous powers of all vampires. Nobody is to mess with them, unless you would like to die.

As soon as the blonde headed girl, who threw the boy into the fire, did so, Amelia let out a screech of horror. I knew that she had just killed us both by doing so.

The blonde girl, along with all her other followers that looked just as evil, started to come closer towards us. Amelia and I both very well knew that running would serve us no good, but in pure instinct, we ran anyway.

Only one thing was rushing through my mind; get away from these monsters as soon as possible. We ran towards the meadow, the area we knew best.

The red- eyed creatures seemed to be walking with ease, as if catching us should not be an effort. Two grabbed us by the hair and watched us struggle under their grips like fish caught on a rod. Then the pain hit. Starting from the veins of my neck, and spreading throughout the rest of my body, acid seemed to be burning away my blood.

I did not get a chance to see the faces of the one who had hold of me. With in seconds of their capture, a dark vapor over took my sight and body. I completely lost my ability to use any of my senses.

I could not see nor hear. No longer could I smell the burning of my home town either. I had a strong feeling that I was not dead, but unconscious. The only flaw in that theory was that I could feel time pass by. Days it seemed, that I was waiting for everything in my body to return to its original state.

I was not quite sure how much Amelia was able to connect with the legends Alexander told, but for me the whole puzzle fit perfectly. They were lighting fast, had blood- red eyes, and were as pale as someone in the state of death. The only solution I could come to was that my best companion and I were captured and changed by the Volturi.

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