Chapter 11 One More Test Subject

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This is kind of a filler chapter! Enjoy!

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Chapter 11 One More Test Subject

Thalia's P.O.V.

Alec had told Amelia and I, that Jane, Felix, and Demetri were supposed to be back by tomorrow at some point. He escorted us to our room, then left. I guess now, we can be trusted all alone for the night.

Amelia and I both sat on my bed. This room still amazed me. The comforter on the bed looked so fancy, and felt so soft.

"So are you pleased with you power?" Amelia asked me.

I smirked and let out a small chuckle. "Yes, I suppose I am. It's better than a mental shield. Considering how it makes your power practically turn against you."

"I know right? You should have seen Alec's face went his mist ricocheted off of your aura. It was hilarious." she said excitedly.

"Yeah, I bet it was. I'm still not quite sure about this whole thing though."

"Why?" she asked curiously.

"I don't really want to live the rest if forever being a Volturi," I admitted. "Don't you remember what Alexander told us?"

"That they are cruel beings. I see what Alec's point was though. What they do is needed. Otherwise, this world would be hectic."

What Alec told us did make you think for a moment. When people usually try to think from the Volturi point of view, they just think about how they enjoy torturing. In reality, what they do is probably more good then bad, right?

"I'm just very confused about how I feel right now." I said as I twiddled my thumbs. I tend to do that when I'm stressed.

"It's okay, Thalia. I am too. I think we need to just accept what we have become, and focus on our new family." she gave me a reassuring smile. Maybe she was right. I shouldn't be so worried.

I didn't realize how long we had been taking. Right after that, Jane and Alec came into our room, without knocking. Well that's nice. "Thanks for knocking." Amelia grumbled. Jane gave a friendly smile, while Alec sent Amelia a warning look.

"So, Thalia, Amelia, I hear you've found your gifts. Apparently they are quite unique." Jane announced. "Please, do tell me," she said excitedly. She was sitting in the other bed in the blink of an eye. Alec, still stood in his place at the end of the bed his sister sat on. I don't think he trusted us enough yet.

"Well," Amelia began. "I can release some sort of energy from my entire body, and it goes flying at you at a very fast pace. It's force is pretty strong if you ask me. Right Alec?" she teased.

He gave her a mocking smile. "Yes, I suppose it is." he said in a monotoned voice.

"Impressive." Jane replied. Then, she looked toward me.

"I can form some type of aura around me for physical attacks, but it doesn't show for mental ones. If you try to use your power on me, you end up using it on yourself. I need to think about what I'm doing in order for it to activate though." I explained.

"That's amazing!" she exclaimed. "That's even better than a mental shield. Does it work if your being attacked without ones gift?"

I shook my head. "No, only gifts. Your welcome to try. I'm not sure if you want to feel like your burning though."

"I'll do it." she said sounding curious, yet confident.

She glared at me trying to use her power. I then, put mine into action. I thought of pushing it way towards her. Jane then, dropped to the floor in pain. She held back her screams. I didn't like watching one of my 'friends' jerk around on the floor suffering. It didn't feel right at all.

Jane then, lifted her gift from me, forcing me to stop using it on her. She was still on the floor in shock. I had forgotten that my gift multiplies the strength of the others gift by a great amount. At least, that's what it did to Alec's mist. I must have really hurt her.

My face swelled up with worry. "Oh my god, Jane. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it."

She weakly nodded her head in telling me she understood. "It's fine, Thalia. You warned me."

Alec rushed to her side. He was kneeling beside his sister. "Jane, are you okay?"

She nodded again. "Yes, brother. I'm just in shock. That hurt, a lot."

His face quickly turned to anger. He looked up at me and yelled, "What the hell did you do to her-?" Jane cut him off.

"Please, don't be mad at either of them." She pleaded. "It's not their fault."

Once Jane recovered, she stood. She gave me a smirk. "Well, that is truly one special gift."

I smiled an appreciatively. "Thank you. So, how was your mission?"

"Quite fun. We got to kill the newborn. He killed an entire village. Unfortunately, we never got the details on who created him. That's not why Aro sent us though, so it's okay." she said that all like it was no big deal. How is killing no big deal?

"Um, maybe you two should change clothing. Your still dressed in your rags." Jane pointed out. She was right. I guess I hadn't noticed since I've been so busy lately, that I didn't even notice my clothes were still the same.

"Oh your right." I said sounding surprised.

"Yes, there are clothes I the drawers. Don't put on your cloaks unless you go outside, or are otherwise instructed to do so." Alec said.

"Okay, thanks,". Amelia and I said together.

After that, the twins left our room to let us change. I loved the fact that Alec was so protective of his sister, after she was mentally burned. Why does Alec have to hate me so much though? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

I Will Fight For You (Alec Volturi love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora