Chapter 6 Decisions Decisions

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Chapter 6 Decisions, Decisions

Aro's P.O.V.

It had been about a day and a half since Amelia and Thalia had arrived.

When I sent half of the guard to burn the immortal child, I also told them to change any of the survivors as long as they seemed old enough. I can see why they thought of the two girls as older, since they look very mature, so I don't blame them.

I sat in my throne in between Marcus and Caius. We were discussing the potential issue on our hands, of Thalia and Amelia being to young to join us, even though we already allowed them to do so.

"We need to come to a decision. They are only fourteen each," Caius argues.

"Yes, but I have a strong feeling that their gifts will be of great use to us. For some reason, I feel that mainly Amelia's gift will be useful. Plus, Jane and Alec are fifteen. What does one or two years do?" I say.

"A lot." Caius growls.

I turn my head to the seemingly bored Marcus. "Marcus, brother, what is your say on this?"

He takes in an unnecessary, deep breath. "I believe that we should keep both. Aro, I feel the same way that you do, when you say they have great potential. I understand Caius's point though, that it might be possible that they are to young. It's just that..." He trails off in hesitation.

"What is it brother?" Caius questions.

Marcus looks to both of us with longing eyes. "Thalia and Alec have a great bond with each other."

"Impossible!" Caius hisses. "He tore her head off yesterday. That does not mean love."

As calmly as I can, I say, "Marcus, please do explain."

He continues, "The strongest type of mates, are those who do not realize it at first. In fact, it is quite dangerous for them to be around one another because they may kill each other. If someone is there to keep a watchful eye on them when they are together, then it will all unfold. In due time, they will see the light in each other. When they do, they will be inseparable. One will not leave without the other at his or her side." He pauses for a brief moment. "I say we keep both and see where it takes us."

I nod in agreement and state, "It is settled. So that is how it will be. We shall keep both newborns and wait. I have faith in you about this Marcus."

Thalia's P.O.V.

After Alec horrified me with his sadistic story, I went back to the nursery room, where Amelia and Jane still sat.

Jane was sitting on a chair next to the bed, while Amelia sat on the mattress.

"Your back." Amelia said happily.

"Yes, I am," I say with a slight smile. I sit next to Amelia on the nursery bed, and turn to Jane. "Jane, did Alec ever drink from a vampire?" I ask.

She gives me a confused, yet shocking look. "He told you that story, didn't he? Well, yes he did. I'm sure he left out the part in the story where afterwards, he got terribly sick."

"What happened?" Amelia curiously asks.

Jane smiles in a somewhat friendly way. "Oh, just my brother came up with a way to cause an extremely painful death. He's only done it twice. Both times, he ends up so sick, he can't do much more than talk. He can't even hunt without someone bringing him the human. I'm sure Aro won't let him do that again anytime soon. It's life threatening to yourself if you do that."

"He gave me the impression that he was going to do it to me." I reply.

"He's probably just bluffing." Jane tells me. "I don't think he wants to go through the illness that happens afterwards."

We sit in silence for a few minutes. Jane was clearly more friendly than Alec. Alexander was right about that.

Breaking the silence, Jane instructs, "Tomorrow, when you have your first meal with us, allow the masters to take their first pick. Then, you can pick yours. Make sure that you do what ever it takes to hold back, until after they have taken their picks. Alright?"

Amelia and I both nod in telling her we understand.

Then, Alec barges into the room. He says, "Aro has called a meeting for all of the guard. I suppose that he meant the two newborns as well."

"Yes, brother," Jane says as she stands up and begins to walk out with him.

Amelia and I, both get up too, and make our way to the throne room. When we walked into the spacious room, I saw what looked like the entire guard lining the edges of the room, watching, as we entered.

"Welcome, again, young ones." Aro says. "I have called this meeting for an important reason. Caius, Marcus, and I, have officially decided that you are to become a part of our guard, today."

Demetri, one of the high guard members, comes up to us with two gray cloaks. Since we were new and didn't know our gifts yet, we had to be on the lower guard to begin. He hands us our Volturi pendants as well.

"Welcome to the guard." Demetri whispers as he walks away to stand near Jane, Alec, and Felix, another high guard member.

"Tomorrow, Heidi will be back with our meal. Unfortunately you will have to wait till then to quench your thirst." Aro says.

"Yes, master," I say. "Thank you for welcoming us into your home."

"My pleasure. It's not often that I keep two newborns at once. Alec and Jane are still responsible to take good care of you two while you develop your abilities," he announces as he turns his head towards them.

"Yes, master." Jane replies.

Alec just stood there, and glared at Amelia and I with an evil eye. Just him looking at me, was enough to send nervous shivers down my spine.

"Alec?" Aro says to get his attention.

"Oh, sorry. Yes, master." he finally responds.

"Good. Now, why don't you four go to the training room, and attempt to figure out if young Amelia and Thalia have any special gifts. While your at it, start training them the basics of fighting an battle strategy." We all nod and exit the throne room.

"Hmm... This should be fun." Jane says amusing her self.

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