Chapter 24 Darkness Falls

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Chapter 24 Darkness Falls

Who would know Alec's dark side better than anyone else? Of course, Jane.

I got to Jane's room and knocked on the door. "It's me," I said, knowing she'd know who "me" was referring to.

"Come in," she replied. I opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me.

I hesitated before speaking. Did I really want to know about Alec's bad side? It could either ruin what we have together, or make it better. I hate taking risks but this one is probably necessary.

"I spoke with Alexander and he said I should get to know Alec's dark side... what ever that means." I said.

"Okay." she said motioning for me to sit down. Apparently she knew what information I was looking for because she got right to the point. "Well, for starters he has a temper, but that's pretty obvious. He tries to not attach himself to things because he's afraid he'll lose them."

"Is that because of Sarah?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. She's had the biggest impact on him ever that I've noticed. To a non Volturi member he would definitely seems like a psycho, whether he's in one of his 'dark' phases or not. When he gets depressed or angry he wants to murder everything in his path and it does get out of control." Jane looked into space as if remembering what Alec looked like during one of these times.

I tried to imagine for myself what it would look like with Alec getting so angry or sad he couldn't control himself. It would definitely not be a pretty sight.

"I don't really know how to explain it pasted that.... I guess you will have to see it for yourself." she said.

"Do you think I should trust him?" I asked.

"Follow your instincts." She told me.

I thanked her and made my way back to my own room, where I saw Alec, sitting on my bed, waiting for me. What am I going to say to him? Do I really have anything to say? Damn, all these questions.

"Do I want to know what happened?" he asked.

Maybe I should just say no so I can avoid the subject. But it will most likely come up again some how. How would I explain what happened? I'm not going to just flat out tell him what Alexander said, that might get him upset, and I really am trying to avoid anything that would get him too mad. Maybe I should act dumb and say I don't know what he's talking about.

"Thalia?" Alec, who was now standing right in front of me, said. I must have been deep in thought for too long. Damn, now he's going to be suspicious. "Are you okay?"

I blinked quickly a few times to regain my focus. Avoiding eye contact with him, and walking past him to sit down on my bed, I said, "Yes, I'm fine."

He came and sat next to be on the bed. He took my hand and soothingly move his thumb in circles on the back of it. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, referring to my conversation with Alexander.

"What?" I asked, acting dumb because I couldn't think of anything else to say. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Alec looking at me weirdly. Why do I have to be so bad with people?

"I'll take that as a no." he finally said.

I hear chatter somewhere in the castle and the smell of humans is present. It must be that time of the week again, Heidi brought the meal.

"Let's go." Alec said, then planting a kiss on my cheek. We went down to eat, or drink, our meal with the rest of the guard.

The feeding process had become a routine. The masters pick, the rest of us go in after. One of the things that hasn't changed since Alec and I have been together is the whole torturing of his meal thing. He still seems to get pleasure out of making the person he's eating as terrified as possible. What I have noticed that is a little weird to me is that every time we feed, Alec always picks girls that look about my age, with brown hair, just like mine. Somehow every tour group that Heidi brings in has at least one person that looks like that.

Alec cornered his pray, who was brunette, and looked about my age. Before Alec could do any damage to her she collapsed. She probably fainted. Alec just shrugged and picked her up and drank her anyway.

I finished my meal, as always feeling guilty for killing. I went straight back to my room after, feeling a little out of it.

I heard a knock on my door, it was Alec. I told him to enter, and he did. Once again, he sat next to me on the side of my bed. He looked at me worryingly. "Are you okay, Thalia? You seem really out of it."

I made eye contact with him and said, "I-I- I'm fine, Alec. You don't have to worry."

He took my hand with both of his assuringly. "Talk to me," he said sternly but not so stern that sounded like he would be angry.

"I don't know how to put everything you've done in the past in the past. I haven't witnessed any of it, so how am I supposed to know that side of you before you lash out?"

Alec sighed a more angrily sounding sigh than I thought he would. "Does this have something to do with what Alexander said to you?" he questioned sounding pissed.

"This has nothing to do with him." I lied. I didn't want him to regret trusting me going down to see Alexander.

"Thalia," he said squeezing my hand in a comforting way. "I trust you, but right now you are definitely keeping something from me."

It took all of me to look into his eyes. "Alexander just told me not to trust you."

"Do you believe him?" Alec asked me.

"No," I quickly responded. But did I?

"Then why are you acting so strange?" He asked. "He is influencing you to not want to be with the Volturi, or me for that matter."

I said nothing. I just looked away. I've known Alexander my whole life. I trust him, and he's experienced the Volturi so he should know, right?

Alec sighed and stood up. "Let me know when you get your thoughts organized." He said in an almost cold tone as he walked out of the room.

If I were human this would be the time where my heart would feel that heaviness of stress and grief. Of course, I have no physical heart since I'm a vampire. I didn't know where Alec and I stood then. It feels like he partially broke off our relationship. I feel like I'm being manipulated. By who, Alec or Alexander? I've known Alexander for so long and I trust him, but I love Alec.

I want to trust Alec, but people talk as if I shouldn't. Even Jane did not sound convincing about me trusting Alec.


The next morning I found Alec on the balcony watching the people walk beneath him. The sun was behind clouds so he wouldn't sparkle.

I stood next to him and began to speak. "I want to trust you. But people talk."

Alec spoke in a voice as calm as he could manage. "Why are you judging off of what other people say?"

"Because they have known you for a hell of a lot longer than I have." I tell him. "I love you, Alec. I do trust you, but I also trust Alexander. That's what makes things confusing for me."

"I understand," he said while slightly nodding his head. "Can we just not think about this for a second?"

"Yeah, okay." I said a bit relieved.

He cupped my cheek with his hand, pulled me close with his other, and kissed me. For a moment everything seemed perfect.


I know this is short! Sorry I haven't updated in literally forever. I'm not very inspired lately.

Thank you for all of your support!


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