Chapter 16 It Sends a Message

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*Yes, if you watch Vampire Diaries, you might notice that I took one of Damon's quotes from the 1x21 episode (I think it's that one). I think it fits Philip well.*


Chapter 16 It Sends a Message

Philip nodded his head, waiting for the answer as to why we were here.

"You don't know why we are here? I would think that comes with you knowing all." Jane said mockingly. That was probably a bad move. Normally, people do not mess with the Volturi, but Philip, he seemed like he couldn't care less.

He laughed in amusement. "It doesn't work that way sweetheart."

Jane's face quickly turned to anger. I guess she's not used to people calling her 'sweetheart'.

"So, Philip, what do you think of the Volturi?" Alec calmly asked. I could tell how he cautiously worded every sentence he spoke.

"Where to start?" Philip mused. "After all, if I say something out of place you'll end up ripping me to bits. Is that not correct?"

Alec tensed with rage. This guy was really pushing Alec to his limits.

"Answer the question." Alec shot back.

"Well, the Volturi are the monarchy of the vampire world.... Nobody likes monarchy." Philip smirked, knowing that he was angering us.

"I could just use my gift in you." Jane threatened.

"You know you can't do that sweetie." He mocked.

I saw Jane starring at him, focusing. She was attempting to use her gift on him. Unfortunately for us, it did not work.

"Nice try." He said with a stupid grin smeared on his face.

How were we ever going to get this guy on our side? Even with Chelsea's gift, it would not work. He would just manipulate her mind to not use it on him.

Alec nor Jane spoke. They were probably out of words. Okay, so I supposed that meant that it was up to either Amelia or me.

"Listen, how would you like to be apart of this 'monarchy'?" I asked. All I could think of was to make our side seem less evil to him.

"No thanks. I don't take offers from newborns." He said. How did he know I was basically still a newborn? Oh right, his stupid gift.

"Well, it's not my offer, it's Aro's." Maybe, just maybe I would get him with that.

Philip crossed his arms and sighed as if considering it. "Why don't you get Aro to deliver the message personally to me?"

"Why can't you take a message from the messengers?" I quickly responded. I felt like I was on a roll. I tried my hardest to hide my nervousness in my words.

"Why don't I just kill you all?" he replied just as quickly as I had.

"Killing Volturi members, not a good idea." Amelia said. Jane and Alec must have been giving us our chance to speak, because they were both silent.

Philip chuckled once again. "I do believe in killing the messenger," he said with a dark tone.

We all stood there in absolute silence for a few moments. Then, Philip raced towards me with extremely fast vampire speed. He then raced back to where he stood previously, and had me in a half choking, half ready to rip my head off hold. He had me facing Alec, Jane, and Amelia.

"You know why I do?" he rhetorically asked. There was a brief, dramatic pause. Then he continued saying, "Because it sends a message." His grip tightened on me, which sent a pain through my whole body.

"Let- her- go." Alec said with a menacing voice. He said each word separately and clearly. This was meant as a death threat to Philip.

I had a feeling that Philip would be much more useful to Aro than I am. So why would Alec care? We were friends, but not that close.

"And if I don't?" Philip replied.

"Then I will personally rip off each of your limbs, slowly and painfully until you're near death. Then I'll wait until you heal, and do it all over again until you beg for me to kill you. Only then, will I." Alec explained.

"Wouldn't you be doing me a favor then?" Philip bargained. Why couldn't this guy just stop stalling, and get to whatever the point he wanted to make was?

I struggled under his firm grasp. It was useless, he was obviously much stronger than I was. Then, I had a plan. Well, it might not be a good one, but it was something.

"Amelia, use it." I managed to say with Philips arms still choking me.

She looked at me confused for a second, then quickly caught on. That's what's great about knowing each other for our whole lives, we always generally know what one another is talking about.

Amelia understood my plan, and began. She let out a big wave of light gray energy, and sent it towards me. It hit Philip and I, but only affect me, since Philip was still using his manipulation technique on her.

I was knocked out of his arms and sent flying backwards. I couldn't regain my strength to stand for a few moments, so I watched Alec charge at Philip.

Philip and Alec were fighting at vampire speed. to a human, this would be a blur of nothing. To a vampire, you could basically see it perfectly.

Alec repeatedly punched and hit Philip across the face, while Philip tried to gain the upper hand. As good of a fighter I thought Alec was, it seemed like Philip was better. How old was he? He must have picked up a lot of skills from somewhere.

Jane and Amelia stood in the background, probably not wanting to interfere, incase they got in the way.

Alec threw another punch at him, but this time Philip was prepared. He caught it, and twisted Alec's arm behind his back. Within milliseconds, Alec was on the ground, with Philip on top.

Philip laughed, feeling superior. For a split second, Philips seemed the slightest bit distracted. I don't know by what, but Jane seemed to notice this as well. She took her opportunity, and jumped on him. She ripped his head off his body as soon as she came in contacted with him. His body went slack, and his lifeless head rolled a few feet away.

Alec got up, and nodded at Jane, which I guess is their way of thanking each other. He pulled out a lighter, and tossed it onto Philips dead body. It erupted in flames.

I got up from where I was still sitting down, and walked over to everyone else.

"What are we going to tell Aro?" Amelia asked.

"I'm not sure. I guess the only thing we can say is the truth." Jane answered.

After that, we all got back in the black jeep and made our way to Volterra again.


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