Chapter 17 The Slaughter of Many

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Chapter 17 The Slaughter of Many

Once we made it back to Volterra, we had to tell Aro what happened. We told him how Philip was completely uncooperative, and that we had to take him down.

"Such a shame. He would have been very useful." Aro said in response.

After our meeting with Aro, Jane and Amelia went off to do something in the gardens. I didn't follow because I'm not a flowery person. Alec and I just went our separate ways.

I went to my room and sat on my bed. I thought back to our mission and replayed our encounter with Philip over and over again.

After about doing that fifty times, I got bored. I thought to myself, "Is this really what the rest of eternity is going to be like for me?"

I decided to walk around the castle a bit. I hadn't explored that much in the time I had lived here. I walked through the corridors of the castle. My foot steps echoed as I walked. The castle really was creepy.

I continued to wander around until I found myself walking through the hall where Alec's room was. I figured I could bother him. I've got nothing else to do. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Alec said. He was probably just reading, like he always does.

I stepped through the door and into his room. He was sitting on his bed and of course, reading. "I'm bored." I told him.

"Your point is?" He asked jokingly.

"Entertain me." I said in a fake commanding voice.

Alec playfully rolled his eyes at me and said, "How would you like me to do that?"

I walked over to the side of his bed that he wasn't stretched out on and sat down. "Tell me something, anything."

He placed his book to the side and sighed. "I'm old." he said with an amusing smile.

I laughed a little and said, "I know that. Tell me something I don't know."

"Hmm..." he said while thinking.

I'm not sure why, and I know this seems out of the blue, but each moment I'm with Alec, I feel more comfortable. In the beginning, I felt pure hatred. Now, I feel like its becoming something more than just friends.

"Oh come on, there has to be something." I urged. "Tell me a story, about your human years." I smiled innocently at him.

"All of my human life stories aren't very pleasant for people to hear." he said with a sad smile.

"Okay, tell me anyway. If you think about it, I still know nothing about you." I told him.

He sighed, and thought. "Okay, I've got one. Right before the town started getting suspicious about Jane and I, we have a fairly normal life, minus our parents issues.

"June 2, 810, Jane and I were at the lake near our village. We were with some of the other children who lived nearby. All of us were going to buy some fish from the fishermen who worked at the lake. Each person paid and left with their purchase, one by one. Jane and I were last in line. We bought the fish with no problem, and began to make our way back home.

"See, Jane and I lived in the middle of nowhere, so the lake was about a twenty minute walk from our house. We were on our way home, nobody was around us that we could see. It was almost too quiet. The children at the lake who were walking back as well were nowhere in sight. Then, a man with a dagger came out from behind a tree. Then, another came out, and another, and another. That is when I noticed the smell of blood filling the air.

"The four men were walking towards us, ready to kill. Behind them, were all the children that were buying fish at the lake. The thing is, all the children were in a bloody pile, dead.

"I'm not sure why they killed them. Maybe to take the food that the kids were carrying. They advanced towards Jane and I. Some were muttering mocking words, while others muttered threats.

"Our father was abusive, so Jane and I knew some self defense. When they came at us, we used it and ended up slaughtering all four of them. When we went back into town to report our encounter, the town though Jane and I could have never done what we did. Some blamed all of it on us, while others just focused on how it's not possible for two children to take down four grown men. That is where suspicions started to grow about our witchcraft." Alec's face showed extreme sorrow. If he were a human, he may have been shedding tears.

I sat there for a few moments taking in what he just told me. Why, would those men murder all those children? I began to feel compassion for Alec and his sister. They seemed to have gone through a lot as humans.

"I'm sorry." I said. That's all I could think of to say. What else are you supposed to say after a story like that.

Alec smiled at me. A true smile. Not a smirk, but a genuine smile. That's rare for him. "It's obviously not your fault. Don't feel sorry."

I put my hand on top of his in a comforting way. That sent a jolt of warmth up my arm and through my whole body. I definitely felt something. Maybe sparks flying, or just awkwardness. I'm not sure. It was certainly a different feeling than any other time though.

We sat there in an awkward silence for a few more minutes. It would have been longer, but Jane and Amelia came bursting through the door, laughing like crazy.

"What?" I asked. Did they hear what just happened between Alec and I?

"So we were in the garden, and..." The rest of Jane's explanation was cut off and muffled in her and Amelia's constant laughing.

"Sister," Alec began. "I haven't heard you laugh like that in a long time. What happened?"

Both Amelia, and Jane were now literally on the floor, laughing there heads off. Alec and I looked at each other in confusion.

He then stood up and tried to get his sister to stop laughing and tell him what happened. She started to laugh even harder. That's when I got up, and decided to leave.

I stopped at the door and said, "Alec, tell me when they stop their giggle fest."

"Will do." He replied. After that, I left and went back to my boring room.


I know I haven't updated in a while. Sorry!

******If you are a fan of the TV show "The Vampire Diaries" then please read my other book called "There Is Always Another Way." More info is there once you find it! Just click on my works and you'll find it!******

Thank you!!

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