Chapter 23 Humanity, Find It

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Chapter 23 Humanity, Find It

Demetri holds Alexander as he would hold any other prisoner, but slightly less aggressively than usual. The two of them must have some sort of friendly connection. Demetri defended Alexander from Alec for that brief moment. That has to mean something.

The four of us make our way into the castle and through the dark halls. We are almost to the thrown room when we spot Amelia.

She sees us as well but her eyes freeze on Alexander.

"Alexander?" She says, clearly confused.

"I'll explain later," I tell her.

"Is Master Aro available at the moment?" Alec asks impatiently. This is the first time he has spoken since we left America. He spent the entire trip back, staring into space, with a lost look on his face.

"I'm sorry, no. He is in a meeting and he said it would last all day. He said anyone who wishes to speak with him will have to wait." Her eyes never leave Alexander's. They've always had a closer friendship than I ever had with him. Ever since Amelia and I arrived in Volterra she has seemed to fit in with everyone more than I have. That is usually the case with her though. She molds herself into places and with people a lot more easily than I do.

Alexander looked right into Amelia's eyes. Compassion spread over every inch of his face. "Amelia," he began. "I'm sorry." Those words spoke more than she may have realized.

"I will never get over the lose of my village and my family, but I'm managing well here." She said almost too happily. She believed the apology was for the sorrow he felt over her loss of her home, but I knew it was for more than just that. He could tell something that the rest of us haven't realized yet. I don't know what, but I will find out.

"Take him to the dungeon until Aro is ready." Alec ordered Demetri. He nodded and left with Alexander down the hall. Amelia, Alec, and I all stood there in silence, awkwardness beginning to fill the atmosphere.

"I'm going to go find Jane." Amelia said breaking the silence. With that she disappeared within the blink of an eye probably trying to escape the awkwardness.

"Do you want to talk about this?" I ask turning to Alec.

"There is a lot you do not know, Thalia." he says.

"I realize that. You aren't the first person to say that to me. Would you care to tell me what I do not know?" I say getting annoyed.

"Maybe you'd prefer Alexander's side of the story. Mine's probably too bias." he tells me. "Go talk to him." Alec lifted my chin with his fingertips and planted a light, yet passionate kiss on my lips.

"You want me to go talk to him?" I ask in slight confusion. Doesn't he know Alexander's story will be bias too? How does Alec know I won't completely switch sides and try to break Alexander out of here?

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. Our foreheads are pressed against each other, and his eyes are closed as if taking in the moment. I close mine as well.

"I trust you." he whispers. When I open my eyes, I no longer feel his presence. He's left me to go and speak with the man who killed his lover.

Alec trusts me, I think to myself. I guess I knew this anyway, but hearing it from him makes me feel a lot better. Everyone says trust is the key part in any good relationship, and it is. If you can't trust, what is left of a person? This is probably the last thing Alec wants to let me do, but he most likely feels that he lost some of my trust when he was about to kill Alexander, but he lost none.

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