Chapter 18 That Moment

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Chapter 18 That Moment

Two days, it has been, since Alec told me the petrifying story of the children who were killed at the hands of four men. Four foul and odious murderers. I have to try my best to keep my mind off of the image that I pictured as he told the story. The image of the helpless children in a pile, all dead.

The masters have left the castle for today. I believe they are visiting the Olympic coven. Aro has been wanting to see them for a while. Chelsea is in charge of the castle while they are gone.

I have been pretty antisocial lately. I don't know why, but I just don't feel like talking to anyone... except Alec. Last I spoke with him was two days ago. I've been hiding in my room for a while.

I have absolutely no clue where Jane and Amelia ran off to. They might be out getting someone to drink. Feeding outside the castle is much more enjoyable than it is when Heidi brings the meals. We aren't allowed to feed inside the city walls, so you have to leave in order to feed.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Alec's scent filled the air.

"It's open." I said.

Alec let himself in and stood in front of me. "What's the matter? You've been very antisocial lately."

"No I haven't." I lied. I knew I was, but why would you admit to it?

"You're a terrible lier." he pointed out. He walked over to my bed and sat beside me.

I sighed, and gave up on arguing. "I know. A lot is on my mind." That wasn't a lie. A lot was on my mind. My family and village was still there in my head. My relationship with Amelia was too. Ever since our argument a few weeks ago we haven't interacted as much as we used to. Then there was Alec. When our skin touched I felt that bolt of warmth on my cold, dead hand.

"Such as?" he asked as he sat on my bed beside be. He stared deep into my eyes, just as I was doing to his.

I have no idea how long the silence was going on for, but it was certainly not awkward. His stare was sending warmth all thought out my body. It was like the sun was wrapping its warm arms around me. My gaze fell to his full lips. They were perfectly shaped and flawless.

'Why is this happening?' I thought. I am so glad that I didn't say that out loud. I tend to speak my mind without knowing. I shouldn't be drooling over Alec, Jane's brother. Jane is my friend. I cannot start feeling this way about him, it will result in too much trouble.

"It's not important." I said very non convincingly.

Alec smirked, and let out a small laugh. "Not falling for it. I know when something's wrong with you."

Another brief silence occurred. We were both gazing upon each others faces. Our eyes moved, carefully examining one another's features. Yes, his flawless features. He was looking more beautiful than any other vampire I had ever seen.

"I'm okay." I whispered to him. Sparks were definitely flying this time, I am positive it was not awkwardness.

"What's going on?" he whispered. I'm not sure if it was to me or not, but he didn't seem disappointed when he said it. He seemed joyful with some surprise mixed in. Maybe he was feeling the incredible experience that I was feeling too. What exactly was it though?

"Do you feel it too?" I quietly whispered back.

He nodded in response. I had no clue what to do at that point. It was either I kicked him out, kissed him, or let the confusing, yet beautiful moment continue.

Before I could decide, Alec did so for me. "I should probably go.... You know, see if Chelsea needs help or something."

"Okay." I said, well, tried to say. I ended up just mouthing it.

Alec stood up, and slowly walked to the door. Before he closed the door behind him, he looked back at me and nodded what looked like to be one of those 'until we meet again' nods.

'What the hell just happened?' I asked myself. 'This is not okay. I can't start liking my friends brother. Then again, he is my friend as well.'

Some of the things I hate most in life is being confused or stressed. If I get confused, then I get stressed. That's what's annoying. If I have one, I'm stuck with the other.

I thought for a while more about possibilities of what might have just happened. I thought back to what Alexander told Amelia and I about vampires loving. He told us about mates, and different types of them. He didn't explain much about it, but enough to give me a better idea.

I thought back to when he was telling us about mates. He had said, "There is normal mates, and then there is the more strong type of mates. The strongest kind hates each other at first, and then begins to realize they are meant to be. As cliché as that sounds, it is true.

"There is usually one key moment when the bond is really noticed between the two. This moment could be anywhere from subtle to extremely obvious, or from awkward to a powerful and meaningful realization between the couple. It all depends on the vampires."

The thought began to process in my mind that Alec and I could very possibly be mates. Is it good, or bad? Great, now I'm even more confused.


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