Chapter 3 Volturi in Volterra

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Dedicated to: PrincessKay143

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Chapter 4 Volturi in Volterra

Slowly my senses came back. There was still that slight burning pain all throughout my body, but it was withstand able. My throat burned the most. First my touch came. I felt a hard, cold floor beneath me which I seemed to be lying on. Then my smell and taste came, but none stood out enough for me to test it out with. My hearing and sight came back together, and I saw the same black vapor leaving my body instead of entering it.

I quickly stood up ready for anything that was about to come at me. I had the feeling I was going to be killed, but I was going to do what I was taught; never go down without a fair fight.

To my right was Amelia, who had just woken up as well. We both gave each other a glance that said, "I know to some degree of what is happening, and we are most likely about to get killed."

I took a look around the room from where I was standing. The ceiling was unbelievably high and beautiful, the brilliant white marble floor was bright and shiny, and there were dozens and dozens of red eyes staring at us.

Just then is when I noticed how thirsty I was. Not for water, but for blood. I looked at Amelia again, but this time more into her eyes. They were bright red, and she was pale. Amelia had always had the pale tint to her skin but not this pale. We were both newborn vampires.

I look around the room which seemed to be some type of throne room, and saw that I could name quite a few people. Alexander told me almost every possible thing about the Volturi, which included how to act around a member.

"The brunet first." A man who looked like he was in charge said.

Someone then grabbed me by the neck and lead me towards the man. He had shoulder length, dark brown hair, other vampire- like features, such as a perfect face, and was wearing black. Everyone in the room but, Amelia and I, was wearing some shade of gray, or black, while we were still dressed in our rags from home.

Who ever had hold of me, was definitely a vampire because of their extremely tight grip on me.

They stopped me about five feet in front of the stair on which the man in black stood on. I was pushed down to my knees with cold hands still gripping around my neck. It felt like the person who I was held by, had me in a position where of I made any sudden movements, my head would be ripped from my body immediately.

"Alec, you may release her," the man on the stairs said. The man holding me released his grip but was still behind me.

I slowly began to get back on my feet. Then, I was shoved back down to my knees by the person behind me who's name was Alec. I hadn't gotten a chance to see his face, but Alexander had told me about him and how dangerous he truly was.

"Stay down," Alec ordered in a demanding and frightening voice.

"Peace Alec," Aro, the man on the stairs said. I could guess who most of the people were that I saw from Alexander's descriptions. "Welcome, to Volterra Italy. What might you name be my dear?" He asked.

I looked at the two men behind him, Caius and Marcus, who helped Aro rule the vampire world. They both stared at me with great interest.

"My name is Thalia Martinez." I told him. I decided that I would show him just how much I knew about his kind, and that he showed no threat to me, even though he did. "I wouldn't think that a vampire like you, or a coven like the Volturi, would take such great interest in a human enough to change them."

Everyone in the room looked stunned. Nobody spoke, not even Amelia, probably because she was terrified. I chose to keep going on, "Aro, you seem to wonder why I have such great knowledge about the Volturi. Maybe you should take a look," I said as I held out my hand for him to take.

He lightly held my hand in his and waited for a few moments. He could see every thought I had ever had up until what I was thinking about at that moment.

"Ah... Alexander told you much about us, Thalia. Amelia knows just as much doesn't she?" He said as he let go of my hand. "Why don't you two share with everyone what you know." He motion to everyone in the room letting them know to listen.

I got to my feet and Amelia came and stood beside me. I announced, "Our friend, Alexander, had told us much about your kind. Please, do not harm him, for my town already knew a large amount before he came." I looked around the room again to see that all eyes were on me. "I know that we are vampires, we sparkle like diamonds in the sunlight, we die by being torn and burnt, and that there are laws that you, the Volturi, enforce." I stopped and nodded to Amelia for her to continue.

"Alexander has told us of this covens great power over the vampire world. He had told us of the higher guard, Demetri, Felix, Alec, and Jane." She said motioning to each as she spoke. "We know little about the Romanians who ruled before hand."

As she went on, I looked around at the faces of each person. They all seemed to take interest in our knowledge about them. Jane, the blonde girl who I saw I my burning town, had that evil yet kind look in her face this time. Alec, her fraternal twin, had the evil part down, but no sign of kindness at all.

When Amelia had finished explaining, Caius looked a bit angry. He hissed, "Why do you say that we shall not harm Alexander? Regardless of your village already having legends, he gave our kind away."

Alexander was a very good friend of mine. I could not let anyone bring any harm to him. In defense, I said, "Yes, he did. But our town is dead now. The little boy took care of them."

Aro's face lit up with an idea. "If both of you agree to join our family, we will not bring harm to your friend." He said.

Amelia looked at me hesitantly. I gave her a small nod, and turned back to Aro. "Yes, we would love to join you." There is no other place where we would go. I imagine that being a part of the all powerful government is a much better way to go than being on your own.

"Magnificent!" Aro exclaimed. "You two will serve great use to us." He paused a moment and looked to Jane and Alec, who were now standing side by side. "Would you mined bringing these two newborns to their rooms?"

Amelia and I looked at them nod and say together, "Yes, master."


I realize that Thalia isn't having the connection yet with Alec. Sorry, this is not a love at first sight book. They will get used to each other gradually.

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