Chapter 25 Before It Gets Better, the Darkness Gets Bigger

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Chapter 25 Before It Gets Better, the Darkness Gets Bigger

Procrastination, the thing I am so good at. It's been days since I have met with Alexander. Alec and I have been purposely avoiding to subject. Yes, I felt bad about how Alexander is basically rotting away in his cell in the dungeon, but there is not anything I can really do about it right now.

Maybe I should just go along with whatever the Volturi want to do about Alexander. No, that's an awful idea they'll torture and kill him. I cannot help him escape though, there is no way to do so without getting caught. My head pounds from the stress of the situation.

"Are you okay? You look really worried," Alec says as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. We've been lying on my bed for the past hour. We weren't even talking, we're just enjoying each other's company.

"I still can't get what Alexander said out of my head," I tell him honestly.

I feel him tense up against me. "Tell me how I can prove to you that I'm trustworthy," he says.

I sigh and debate whether or not to answer with what I want to say. "Let Alexander go."

Alec sits up in the bed and looks at me like I'm insane. "He broke the law, Thalia. Aro wouldn't let me release her even if I wanted to."

I start to get angry at Alec. "But you don't want to. That's the thing. You're angry with him for killing Sarah, which I don't blame you for, but killing him won't make the fact that she's gone go away." As soon as I say that and his face turns from anger to hurt, I realize how cruel what I just said must have sounded.

"It sounds to me like you want me to chose between Sarah and you," he says sounding in emotional pain. "She's gone and I know that's not going to change. I just never thought you would say something like that."

He slowly gets up and heads to the door. He's facial expression showed he was an emotional wreck. What have I done? I hate how I'm so awful with words.

"Alec, I didn't mean it like that!" I shout after him.

He opens the door and replies in barely over a whisper, "I just need to be alone right now." He walks out the door and closes it behind him.

I'm so stupid. Why did I say that to him? I probably just broke his heart. Why didn't I go after him just now? I have to fight for our relationship. He also needs to fight with me though. I need to tell him, "I will fight for you."

Authors Note:

I'm so sorry for this random, short, and shitty chapter. It's what I had from a while ago and I just kind of added a crappy ending to it so I could publish it.

Please read my authors note after this.

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