Chapter 22 For You

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Not really edited FYI! Sorry!


Chapter 22 For You

Today I was assigned another mission to go on with Alec and Demetri. Aro said it was just a newborn who was causing some trouble.

"So are you two going to make me feel like a third wheel?" Demetri asked Alec and I as we sat in our private jet, about to take off.

"We'll try not to," I said while giving him an innocent- looking face.

Alec smirked and put his arm around me in a comforting way.

"Not to question your relationship, but how much do you two actually know about each other?" Demetri asked. Alec and I glanced at each other, both taking in his question.

"Pretty well I guess. I know there is plenty more for me to learn though," I tell him.

Alec smirked his usual smirk and said, "As do I about you."

Demetri nodded and looked away as of he saw something he wasn't supposed to see.


When we landed at what ever place we were supposed to land at, it was dark out so we didn't need our hoods up. We got out of the jet and started to walk through the city.

There weren't many people out. Just an occasional person or couple taking a walk. The city looked like any ordinary city, with stores, restaurants, and office buildings.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"America," Demetri answered. That didn't really give me much information, but I decided to drop the topic.

We continued to walk through the city stepping as quietly as possible. Alec said we should all split up so that this could go faster, and we all agreed.

I wondered through the city, trying to be as aware as possible. After about ten minutes of walking I heard something. I heard that wind sound that you hear when a vampire is speeding by you.

I turn around and see somebody standing right behind me. I was about to let out a scream when the person covered my mouth and I looked at their face. It was the vampire who used to come to my village before I joined the Volturi, Alexander.

My eyes widened and he let go of my mouth. "What are you doing?" I asked him in a hushed tone so that Demetri nor Alec would here if they were near.

Alexander looked at me and replied with the same tone, "What am I doing? I think the question is what are you doing as a vampire and with the Volturi."

"Long story short, they burned down my village and forced Amelia and I to join them. So what are you doing here?" I asked him.

He looked at me not surprised but his face full of remorse. "I'm just passing through. If the Volturi are here then that either means you're hunting me or there is another mission needed to be fulfilled in this place. Which is it?"

"Aro said it was a newborn causing trouble." I explained. "Have you seen one around?"

"Newborn...." Alexander repeated. "No, I haven't seen one but there has been a few murders since I got here, none or which were of my doing."

I nodded in comprehension. "Well, if you don't want Demetri and Alec to see you then you should probably stay out of sight for tonight," I said.

Alexander sighed and shook his head. "No, Thalia. You've already seen me, and when I covered your mouth my scent got on you. If Alec nor Demetri can't smell me, then Aro will see this memory of yours." His face had a hint of panic on it. The look he always has when Amelia or I would ask if he was a vampire or not when he would visit our town.

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