Chapter 15 I Can See Through You

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Chapter 15 I Can See Through You

We all stood there in silence for a few long moments. It seemed to be hours though.

"Well? Are you going to tell us what the mission is?" I asked impatiently.

"Oh, yes." Aro said as if I jolted him out of a daydream. "There's something very important I need you to do. There's this vampire named Philip Davidson. He possesses a magnificent and useful gift. I need you to bring him here."

"You want us to bring him so he can be a part of the guard." Amelia assumed.

"Exactly." Aro replied. "Be warned, his gift is very powerful. He has the ability to see right through you."

"Literally?" Alec asked. We were all probably wondering that too.

"No, not like that. He can tell what kind of person you are. With just a glance, he knows everything about you. This includes you fighting style. He will be able to anticipate your every move. Rumor has it he is extremely intelligent and quick. He's supposed to be faster than your average vampire."

"Sounds fun." Jane said with a smile.

This did seem easy enough. Jane could just use her power on him while Alec got close enough to pull his mist over him.

"There is one more thing you should know." Aro continued. "It comes with his ability to tell who you are. He can manipulate your mind so that you can't use your powers against him."

My eyes widened in shock. How is that even possible? He pretty much has control over the whole outcome of the fight.

"So, he basically hacks into your brain so you can't beat him?" I asked. Aro nodded telling me I was correct. "So why aren't we sending the whole guard after him then?"

Aro sighed like he expected me to already know the answer. "Because, Thalia, if we do that then we will get on his bad side. If there's hope of bringing him here peacefully, we don't want to look like we formed an army against him."

I mouthed the word 'Oh' telling him I understood.

"Please, try you hardest not to get violent. I don't want him in bad condition when he arrives. Also, I don't want him on our bad side if he isn't already." Aro ordered.

"So when do we leave?" Amelia asked sounding really excited.

"Go change and then go immediately." Caius instructed.

With that, we all went to our rooms and got dressed into our cloaks. I was so nervous. This Philip guy seemed dangerous. If he could really do all that, he is basically unstoppable. I think Aro made a mistake thinking Amelia and I were ready for this.

Jane, Alec, Amelia, and I all met outside by a black jeep. Alec drove while Jane gave him directions. Amelia and I sat in the back together. Amelia nor I spoke to each other the entire car ride. I hope I don't lose my best friend just because of one stupid argument.

"We're here." Alec said after a long four hours of driving. I had no clue where we even were. It looked like some modern day city. Alec parked the car and we all got out.

"Where are we going to start looking?" I asked. I honestly was clueless. I was just waiting for Jane and Alec to do everything.

"This way." Jane said as she began to walk away.

We finally arrived at- oh wait, nowhere. We had been walking for hours. My feet weren't tired, but I was getting awfully bored.

I should have been more nervous. For some reason, I wasn't nervous at all.

We turned a corner into a wide ally way. Bricks were on either side of us, making me feel trapped. Yes, I may have slight claustrophobia.

"Stop." Alec whispered. We all followed his orders. We stood there listening for a sign of suspiciousness.

"Hello, Volturi." A menacing voice from behind us said.

We all slowly turned around to face a man who must have been Philip. Okay, now I was nervous again. He had bright red eyes, which couldn't go unnoticed, short brown hair that was laid in a organized, yet messy way. He looked like a typical teenager, other than his dark, scary, and mysterious aura. He was tall and had muscles. I know as a vampire your human muscles don't account for much, but it really emphasized the point of not to mess with him.

"You must be Philip." Alec said. "I'm assuming you know who we are."

"Yes." Philip said in a haunting, mysterious voice. "However, I don't know those two." He looked Amelia and I up and down as he said this.

"That's Amelia and this is Thalia." Jane said motioning to us as she spoke.

Philip let out a small chuckle. "Please, I was joking, I know who they are. Remember? I'm sure Aro told you about my little tricks. You know, how I can see through your souls, and how I know all your darkest secrets?"

"Yes, he did." Alec replied. Alec was staring at Philip, ready to pounce if he made any sudden movements. "So listen, Philip, we need talk."


I know it's short! I'm sorry! I've been pretty busy lately! I'm just trying to update when I can! Thanks!

P.s. if you like the show "The Vampire Diaries" then please read my other book! Just click on my works to find it! That you!

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