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"SeokJin.. let's just end it here."
"I won't let you go that easily."

Namjoon looked at him, silence was the only thing shared. They only looked at each other, not exchanging any words. "I don't think there's anything to discuss anymore .. I'll get leaving now." Namjoon said, his voice slightly cracking. He didn't even know what he was doing, but he thought it's just better this way.

He walkes past Jin, but the latter was quick to take action. He gribbed the younger's wrist, stopping his movements. "Namjoon, if you leave right now, I'm never talking to you again."
Namjoon released his wrist from Jin's grip, slowly proceeding on walking forward, his back turned towards Jin. "Namjoon, you'll regret this." He talked , but the latter didn't reply. He just kept on walking, leaving the other by himself.

What went wrong..?

Lacking Love//Namjin FF//Where stories live. Discover now