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"Seokjin, we can't right now. I'm busy." Namjoon said as he hung up the call on him. 'Again?' Seokjin sighed. Now he was feeling as if he was clingy. He didn't want to annoy Namjoon, it's just that he misses him. But the latter found no time for him. Not wanting to be dramatic, he ignored Namjoon's slightly harsh tone as he tried to distract himself with anything he could think of. They hadn't met eachother for almost two whole weeks. It started off by slowly drifting apart until fully no communication between the two.

"Class dismissed, make sure to complete your assignment for tomorrow." Seokjin said as he packed his stuff, ready to leave for home.

He understood that Namjoon had just gotten a new job and had to focus on it, but not even a single text from him the past 5 days. He couldn't hold back the urge to text him, so he did. 'Hey Joon, how are you?' he sent the message as he waited.  A few minutes later, he received a notification. Being happy, he quickly opened it only for him to be washed over by disappointment. 'Your order will arrive in 2 weeks.' 

So then, he patiently waited for Namjoon to text him back. He waited, it felt like eternity, until thirty minutes later, the latter replied. 'Hi.' Ouch, that's dry, Jin thought. 'I'm fine, what about you?' A small smile formed on Seokjin's lips as he read the message. 'I'm fine too, thanks :)' He replied. Not wanting the conversation to die off, he quickly sent 'Can we meet up?' only to be rejected again by an excuse which he's sure Namjoon made up. He truly couldn't take this anymore so he called Namjoon. "What is it?" Namjoon asked as Jin sighed, quite angrily. "Namjoon, we need to meet." Seokjin said, the softness leaving his voice and hints of anger replacing it. "I told you I can't ri-" Seokjin interrupted him, "You always can't, when do you even have time for me these days? Trying your best to avoid me, thanks Namjoon for all of your kind actions towards me, making me feel like absolute shit. Are you even working or just satisfying yourself with someone other than me? Just tell me so we could end this as soon as possible." He bursted angrily, hanging up the call quickly. Namjoon on the other hand was left shocked, never expecting Jin to act this way.

Seokjin's chest heaved up and down as he tried to control his emotions. His anger turned into sadness as a lump started forming in his throat. 'Don't cry, don't cry' he repeated to himself until he found himself sobbing. 'Did I do anything wrong? Is he mad at me? Or am I just not good enough to anyone?' he thought as he sobbed harder, clutching his knees with his head buried there. He was already overwhelmed with everything going on around him, and that was all he needed to completely lose it all.

"Seokjin? Is everything okay? Hyung?" Yoongi knocked, asked, receiving no response. "Hyung please answer, I heard you yelling. Are you okay?" He asked as he repeatedly knocked again. Seokjin sniffed silently, clearing his throat as he replied. "I'm okay." He tried to say it with confidence but his voice cracked. "Hyung I know you're lying, please open the door." Yoongi said calmly. "Yoongi please leave me alone, I said I'm fine." Jin semi-yelled as Yoongi stopped knocking. He knew Jin wasn't fine,  but he thought he'd let him have some time alone before opening up.

Seokjin looked at his phone, seeing no messages neither one missed call from Namjoon. He turned it off with tears filling his eyes up again. Around fifteen minutes passed when Jin finally calmed down a bit. He wiped his tear stained cheeks as he sighed, he felt better after letting it out. He decided to go out of his room to wash his face, up until someone knocked on the door. "Hyung! What the hell happened?" Yoongi became defensive seeing Seokjin's ruined state. His shirt had a big wet spot on it, due to crying, and his eyes were puffed red. "Someone's at the door." He tried to change the subject. Yoongi wanted to protest but the knocking grew louder so he went to the door first. He opened the door to see Namjoon outside, sweat beaded on his face and short rapid breathes. He looked formal, as if he came back from work. "Yoongi, where's Jin?!" He asked worriedly.

Seokjin froze in his place as he heard the voice. He quickly rushed back to his room, not ready to face his boyfriend. Namjoon lightly pushed through Yoongi as he hurried in. Yoongi quickly figured the situation as he stopped Namjoon's actions. "He's not here." he said coldly as Namjoon looked at him. "Huh? Where is he?" Namjoon asked, biting his lip in worry. "I don't know." 

Namjoon sighed as he headed outside again. "Don't think of coming back!" Yoongi yelled as he shut the door close.

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