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"What's on your mind?" Yoongi asked Jin, realising his weird behaviour.
Jin hummed in response, still not looking at Yoongi, basically dozed off.
"Jin!" Yoongi yelled at Jin, causing the latter to jump.
"What?" Jin asked, quite irritated.
"You're acting all weird, you even barely drank."
Jin hummed in response, he dozed off again.
Yoongi sighed as he gave up.
He then noticed how Jin was staring at the younger boy he just talked with earlier.

"Excuse me." Yoongi called for the boy.
"Another drink please." He added.
Jin looked at him and saw his name tag.
'Kim Namjoon.'

«Next day»
"Jin, can you do me a favor?" Yoongi asked the oder as he was getting ready for work.
"What is it?" Jin asked.
"My cousin wanted me to get her a book from the) library, but if I did so, I would be late for work." Yoongi added.
Since Jin goes to work later than Yoongi, Yoongi decided to ask if he could get the book instead.
"Sure, I guess" Jin replied.
"Here" Yoongi handed a paper with the book's title on it.

Jin got into his car and started driving to the library that Yoongi told him about.
A while later, once he got there, he parked his car and headed outside.
Jin rarely visits libraries since reading just wasn't his thing.
As he entered, the fresh smell of books filled his nose.
It quite a nice sensation, he had to admit it.
As he looked around, he saw that the librarian was occupied, and he didn't find anyone who seemed to work there around.
"Guess I'll have to deal with this myself" Jin said to himself.
He roamed around the shelves, trying to find the book, searching for the convenient category.
"Damn, this is hard" Jin said to himself, once again.

Eventually, Jin gave up.
He decided to ask for help.
He glanced a lot of tall, slender boy with glasses, searching through the shelves as well, maybe he can help?
As he got closer, Jin tapped him on shoulder.
The boy turned around and it was.. "Namjoon?"
"Oh, hi" Namjoon said.
"Hello, sorry if I scared you." Jin said.
Namjoon shook his head, signaling that it was okay.
"Aren't you the one who I talked to yesterday?" Namjoon asked as Jin nodded in response.
"I'm Seokjin, Jin for short" Jin told the younger.
"Nice to meet you Jin." Namjoon said.

"So, I wanted to ask you if you can help me with finding this book." Jin said as Namjoon looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
Jin handed over the paper as Namjoon took it, and read it.
"Oh, I've read this book before, you can find it over there" Namjoon said as he pointed over to an aisle.
Jin was surprised on how quick Namjoon recognized the book.

Namjoon lead Jin towards where he can get the book, and grabbed it for him.
"Here you go" Namjoon said as Jin thanked him.
"You have a good taste in books by the way." Namjoon said as he giggled.
Two gorgeous dimples appeared on each side of his cheeks, and Jin had to admit it, the boy looked very attractive with dimples.
"Oh, that's not for me actually, it's for a friend." Jin replied.
"Oh, I suggest you to read it then, it's one of my favorite books" the taller said.
"Someday" Jin said as they walked through the library.
"I have to get going now, see you around." Jin said as he waved to Namjoon.
Namjoon waved back.

As Jin headed back to the car, he couldn't help but think.
Does Namjoon hate his job that much at the bar?
He looked way gloomier today than yesterday, it's the first time that Jin saw Namjoon smile.
And how Namjoon immediately knew where the books were amazed Jin, the boy must love reading.

Jin drove back home and couldn't wait to tell Yoongi who he saw onec he came back.

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