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Jin muted his phone as he recieved a notification in class.
He didn't really care about it, it was most probably Yoongi.
Jin resumed his teaching.

Once he went to take a break in the teacher's room, he decided to check his phone.
He saw that an unknown number had texted him.

Hi Jin.
I was wondering if
you were free today.

Jin looked at his phone, thinking of who it could be.
Was it Namjoon?
The boy hadn't spoken to him in almost a week.


Jin sent the message as he waited for a reply, the person who texted him wasn't online.
A while later, Jin's phone vibrated.

Yeah, sorry, I forgot to
tell you.

Jin was quite surprised, he never expected Namjoon to text him, neither to want to hangout with him.
Nevertheless, Jin wasn't disappointed at all.
He was quite excited.

It's fine, so you wanna

Yeah, if you can..

Of course, today at 4


Jin placed his phone down as he internally squealed.
He was indeed excited.
Just a simple text made Jin's day.
It was surprising how Namjoon opened up to Jin first, for the first time!
Jin wanted the time to pass by quickly today.

<<A few hours later>>
Jin texted Namjoon, asking him where he wanted to go.
Namjoon said that he didn't mind where they went, Jin replied so too.
With that, they spent a whole hour trying to pick a place where they wanted to hangout in.
In the end, they ended up going to a well known café.

As Jin got there, he saw Namjoon already seated on a table.
"Oh my, how long have you been here waiting? Sorry for being late" Jin immediatly apologized.
"No it's okay, I got here not too long ago." The younger replied with a slight smile.
"Cheer up Joon, why do you look sad" Jin bluntly said.
Namjoon smiled at the nickname Jin gave him, he had to admit that he liked it.
"I'm just a little stressed, don't worry about it." Namjoon replied.
"I can make you smile, no laugh actually." Jin said.
"Really?" Namjoon grinned.
"I'm a master at dad jokes." Jin said proudly.


Ok so.. When you get cold, stand in a corner" Jin said with a red face, trying to contain his laughter while confusing the younger.
" 'cause they're usually 90 degrees." Jin said as he bursted into laughter, laughing at his own joke.
His windsheild laughter made Namjoon laugh, Namjoon mostly laughed since Jin laughed, not because of the joke.
Jin felt very happy that he cheered up the younger.

Soon, they ordered their drinks and started chatting.
They got to know more about eachother.
"So..your brother works at the same place you do?" Jin asked.
"Yeah,my brother and I work there, my father actually owns the whole bar." Namjoon added.
"Oh, that's nice" Jin said "So you always stay close to your family." Jin added.
Namjoon's expression changed a bit, but tried his best to keep a smile.
"Yeah..family, what a nice family.." Namjoon muttered under his breathe, Jin didn't hear him since his voice was inaudible.

"What do you work a-" Namjoon suddenly stopped, mid-sentence.
He dozed off, blank face, just as last time.
Jin didn't know how to deal with the situation.
What if Namjoon gets mad afterwards like last time.
Why does this even happen?

"Namjoon?" Jin asked in a soft voice, trying to deal well with the situation.
The younger stayed the same, he didn't even budge.
As last time, around 10 seconds later, Namjoon slightly jumped back.
"Sorry" Namjoon said as he sat straight.
Jin was in utter confusion, however, he didn't want to make the younger unconfortable since they just started getting along well, neither to offend him; so he just kept quite.
"Don't worry about it"

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