What if Darkstalker enchanted Queen Oasis to sleep?

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Queen Oasis woke up from what seemed to be a never ending sleep. She was furious, though even she didn't know why.

Suddenly, it came back to her. Everything came back to her. It crashed down on her like a pile of sand. And a pile of sand had really crashed down onto her.

"Pewah!" She spit a mouthful of sand beside her, but it landed on her wings. "Let- me- out-of-here!" She roared, spitting more sand out of her mouth.

Sunny, a small, timid, and kind dragon was scouting the hot SandWing desert. She heard her call, and so did her tough and trusty SeaWing friend, Tsunami. She was the daughter of Queen Coral, Queen of the SeaWings. She clearly did not take the heat; Sunny could tell that she longed to dive into the water. "My wings ache," Tsunami complained. "Let's switch to legs, please?" Sunny's wings did ache, so she agreed. "Yes, but we'd better move quickly. Did you hear that?" Tsunami listened carefully. She was right. There was some... cry, if that's how they would describe it, beneath the sand. "DIG!" Sunny ordered. Oops, she thought, putting one of her claws to her lip. That came out harsher than it meant to.

"Just, that sounded familiar, and..." She trailed off, realizing what this meant. Back from the dead? she thought. No, that couldn't be it. Well, we better dig. But, mom- She reached out. She's queen now, and, Queen Oasis- Her stomach was in knots as she thought of the bad possibilities of what could happen to her with Thorn, Queen Thorn, being her mom, and the queen.

She ran to the other side of the sand. "Sorry, Tsunami," she called. "I have to go!" But before she could take off, Tsunami put her claw on her wing. "Yowch!" Sunny howled. "Stop it!" she growled. She looked up, and noticed that it was just Tsunami. "Oh, it's you," she said, trying to sound casual. "Yes, it's me," Tsunami replied. Not in Glory's sarcastic voice, or her usual voice when she scared off SkyWings, which seemed like eons ago. It sounded like Starflight, when he had told her he loved her. She used Clay's voice. Not mimicking him, but caring... like him.

"Sunny, please. Won't you tell me?" Sunny sighed. She gulped, and finally got to her senses. "It's Queen Oasis," she said, "I think she's buried." Tsunami frowned. "Pfft! Of course she's buried! She's dead!" "No, that's not what I mean. She's alive, and buried." Tsunami's eyes bulged, and Sunny didn't need to know what she was going to say. "Un-bury her, and ask her." "Hmm? Ask her?" "What happened. Why she's not dead. The truth of what actually happened. Not just... Three scavengers appear and say, 'Hi, we want to kill you.' Yeah, fat lotta chance." Tsunami nodded, and followed the high-pitched screams.

Her claws reached the sand, and she started digging. "Egh! Ew! Yuck! SAVE ME! Pewah! Ow! Don't poke me! SeaWing? Wait, a SeaWing? Phew, there's a SandWing with her." "Your dear majesty!" Sunny scolded. "She's my friend!" "Why, dear, I didn't mean to insult her. NOW GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Sunny glanced at Tsunami and sighed. It wasn't like they had another choice. Did they? Sunny just stuck with freeing the former queen, Oasis.

"Your Majesty, I certainly don't understand? Are you... back?" "Back?" she sputtered. "Get-" "Right, yeah." Tsunami reached a hand into the middle of the bottom of the desert.

"Back means... back from the dead." Sunny looked behind her shoulder, and only saw the sky. Even though Scarlet, the SkyWing queen Scarlet who had wanted them dead, was dead, she still had a pang of fear about them that ran through her body. But at Jade Mountain Academy, where the SkyWing Carnelian had died, she looked at the sky with pity.

Tsunami said, "Story? Meaning... telling us what happened?" "Darkstalker," Oasis grumbled furiously. "It was Darkstalker."

"Wait WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT." Tsunami was astounded. "What? Not what. Okay, I saw three scavengers. When no one was looking, they turned into Darkstalker and he enchanted me to a dark sleep for 2,000 years and placed shards on me to make it look like the scavengers murdered me. Now I'm here, and I need revenge. On Darkstalker. On my daughters."

She flapped her wings and took off. Sunny flashed Tsunami a look: Warn the others. Tsunami nodded, and the two shot up into the air, not so far behind.

Oasis headed for the palace. When she walked in, she saw one, just one, very familiar, timid face. "Blaze," she growled. Blaze scratched her head. "Mother?"

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