What if Pyrrhia never existed?

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"Woo Wuwa?" Bumblebee asked, raising a tiny, curious eyebrow. Sundew rolled her eyes. "Luna. She's probably dead." "You say that casually one more time and you're dead," Blue said in defense. "Luna. She's probably dead." "Ugh, stop it, you two," Swordtail and Cricket said unison. "Urn, stew ee, uuthoo!" Bumblebee mimicked, or at least tried to.

Sundew was the right one, actually. Luna was swept out to sea, and there was no continent, lost or not lost, to save her. NO DRAGONS. WAS THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. COULD IT BEEEEEEEE. THREEMOOONS YEESSSSSSS IT IS CLEEAAAAAAAAESSSIIIIIIIGHT. PLEAASE COMME TO MMMMMMMY RESCUEE.

"CLEARSIIIIIGHT," she moaned. The dragon squinted, and dove down at her. She held her in her talons, and struggled to pull her up. Luna's eyes couldn't stay open. She drifted off to sleep.

"Io," Clearsight said in a menacing tone. " 'Nother 'truder." She tossed Luna to Io. Luna's body shivered. "IO?!" she groaned weakly. "LUNA?!" Io gasped. "NO!" Clearsight glared at Io. "You belong with those nasty Pantala brats! This is our territory. Piss off! Get out!" Io threw Luna into the water, and Clearsight gave Io a thumbs up. Luna's whole body opened up in the water. She shot up to the surface, and gasped, and sunk back down again. She felt her weak and wobbly arms reach for her right wing. PHEW! It was still there. She took a weak hold of the bottle of salt, and shook it around the water surface that surrounded her. She had enough strength to tuck it back into her wing. After she ensured it stayed in her wing, she closed her eyes and left herself drifting down to the south, the salt water surrounding her... just to lead to a WATERFALL!

Luna's eyes jerked open. She didn't see Clearsight or Io(Pure evil, she had thought); that might've been her imagination/a dream. But one thing was for sure: the salt water and the waterfall part was one hundred percent NOT a dream. She was tempted to lift up into the sky, feel the cold breeze surround her, and fly back to safety and Pantala and all her friends... Blue was going through a METAMORPHOSIS, and she wouldn't be there to see it! Dangerous thoughts circled her head as if nobody was there to save her. She was right. Luna sighed, the foamy wind winding her breath into a clearish-white air-ball. "Things sure are going to get ugly," she muttered/told herself as she- "AHH!"- felt her body roll down the waterfall.

On the other talon, Sundew was gossiping about how annoying Cricket and Blue and Swordtail and Bumblebee were being to Willow, her... *smile*... girlfriend. "Snudoo!" the little dragonet scolded as she climbed onto her snout and clung onto it tightly as if it was a branch and if she let go, she would fall into a river with a very strong current and drown. "Hey! Yoo bi tean!" Sundew rolled her eyes, and Bumblebee reluctantly climbed off Sundew's snout, and Cricket held out her arms, and Willow snatched Bumblebee off the ground. Cricket opened her mouth and froze momentarily in shock. She nuzzled her, and then handed her to Cricket. "The annoying chirping bugs(Cricket and Bumblebee)" as Sundew had made up, let out a harrumph and walked away. Cricket made googly eyes and said in her babyish voice, "Come on! Who's a good dwagonet! You are! Aw, yes, you ar'! You don't 'ave to be mean wike 'em! Wet's go..." Cricket stopped herself and looked back into her long line of thoughts. "WHERE WHERE," she demanded her brain. "STUPID STUPID TOO STUPID GIMME!" She hated her brain at this moment. "THERE I STILL THINK YOU'RE STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID!" "Huw?" Bumble made a Hmm? face and gestured her arms to an according pose. Cricket made the eyes and cleared her throat a few times to make sure her "Bumblebee" voice was on. "Izz' oh-kayyy! Ve' get to search for Wuna Wuna Wuna!" Swordtail froze in Cricket's pose of shock, when he finally gave up and decided to gasp and breath and blink for all eternity. Blue looked like he was going to explode and flamesilk threads would appear and weave themselves into a carpet that would chirp THREEMOONS, YEESSS! WOULDN'T IT BE DANGEROUS WITH BUMBLEBEE OHH WELL I LOVE YOU CRICKET! CAN WE HUG AND KISS AND GET MARRIED? MATE LET'S LINK ARMS OKAYOKAYOKAY?

Cricket glared at him, hiding her blush, as if she had read his mind. Her glasses fell to the ground, and was a few inches before a flamesilk thread escaped both of Blue's palm centers and caught her glasses. Cricket's face was as red as a tomato in love. "Thanks," she mouthed, unable to speak. She took the bewildered dragonet in her arms and the two took off...

a sudden force took them straight to the ground... or the water, and they joined Luna and started to realize for the first time that they were suddenly going to die.

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