What if Stonemover never married Thorn?

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"My old lover." Thorn pointed to Jade Mountain. Sunny nodded. "I have to go now, mom." Before Thorn could say anything, Sunny took off. Smolder turned to see Thorn. Just Thorn. "Um, did I miss anything?" he asked.

Sunny headed for Jade Mountain. She wanted to meet her mom's old "boyfriend". Would he have loved her if she told her she had an egg? Sunny wondered. She wanted to know this NightWing animus.

She reached the peak of Jade Mountain. She saw a cave as well. She peeked inside. "Hello?" she said. Hello, hello, hello? her voice echoed. "Anyone home?" Anyone home, anyone home, anyone home? "Mr. Stonemover dude?" Mr. Stonemover dude, Mr. Stonemover dude, Mr. Stonemover dude?

"Who visits me?" a hoarse voice demanded. "Don't worry, I'm harmless," Sunny said. "Are you Stonemover?" "Yes," Stonemover replied. "Do you want dinner?" he said, handing her a fox. "Dinner would be delighted if you ate her." The fox howled. "I enchanter her myself." "Ew," Sunny said, backing away, "Is that really how you eat?" "Why not?" Stonemover asked, shrugging. "I'm an animus." "A really weak animus," Sunny mentioned, pointing to his bad body shape. He could barely move, and his voice was so hoarse, he had to clear his throat before he could say anything. "So, do you want to eat Dinner for dinner?" "NO," Sunny confirmed, "I'm not here for eating. Do you know Thorn?" He scowled weakly. "Excuse me, but who exactly are you talking about?" "Um, giant SandWing? You met her, and shortly after you built some tunnels?" "Oh, her? Um... name's-?" "Thorn," Sunny finished crossley, and crossed her arms. "Oh, yes, Thorn, I loved her dearly, but oh, she's too good for me." "So you're saying you would've married her?" "No," he said, frowning, "I'm not."

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