What if Tsunami challenged Coral for the throne(and won)?

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Tsunami was eating with the SeaWings, and unfortunately, the most annoying one was going over a lecture for the millionth time. Oh, if I were queen, a side of Tsunami thought, I would banish Whirlpool from the Sea Kingdom. The other side shot back, I would need to take the throne first to do that! Tsunami had a mental conversation with the two sides of herself.

Side 2: Pfft! 'Course you can do that! You killed your father!

Side 1: My point is, the thorne is for ANEMONE! Not me.

Side 2: What does Anemone know? All she does is get pulled along by a harness all day! You journeyed this far and even survived Queen SCARLET, of all dragons!

Side 1: All Glory.

Side 2: Ugh, I thought you were mighty. Tough. You're TSUNAMI.

Side 1: My friends don't like it. Hmph!

Side 2: Your friends aren't you.

Side 1: Maybe you're right...

Side 2: Pfft! Of course I am! I'm always right!
Side 1: I disagree. But this time- sigh- I guess you're right.

Side 2: Hmm. You're right.

Side 1: Oh, you're the sweetest! I'll take the throne!

That's where the mental conversation ended, and Tsunami swore she heard some evil cackling. "Huh," she muttered. "DON'T YOU DARE INTERRUPT ME, PRINCESS!" Whirlpool roared angrily. Tsunami rolled her eyes secretly. "What is it, daughter?" Coral asked. "DIDN'T I JUST SAY- oh, go on, Your Majesty." "Oh, nothing, never mind," Tsunami said. "JUST THAT I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING TO YOU IN PRIVATE!" Coral was startled. "Oh, okay. Blister isn't here, is she?" A SeaWing passing by shook his head.

Coral walked Tsunami into a room. "Three moons, Tsunami, what's burnt your scales?" Coral asked. Tsunami shoved her to the ground. "I'm here to take the throne, mother," she snarled. Coral gasped, then shook her head and narrowed her eyes. "BRING IT!" she roared. Tsunami chuckled. "Okay, you asked for it." She punched her in the face. Coral zoomed back up with a bloody nose.

Coral kicked Tsunami in the shin, her gut, and her stomach. "Whoa," Tsunami said, gathering her balance. "You're not getting away with that that easily." She bent her mother into an uncomfortable pose for a long time. "Fine," her mother wheezed. "I- submit. You... win!" Tsunami sighed, realizing what she had done, then smiled, and left the room.

"GUYS, GUY?!" Tsunami called. "What's wrong?" Sunny asked. "What's wrong?" Tsunami laughed. "What's wrong?! Nothing's wrong! I just came here to tell you that I'm queen!" She slung her arm across Sunny's shoulder. "THREE MOONS!" Clay cried. "Congratulations!" "Um, you're kidding, right?" Glory asked sarcastically. Tsunami shook her head. "No-o-ope! Don't worry, I'll be a great queen." "WHAT?!" Anemone stepped into the room and scowled. "You're the queen?! You're the worst."

                                                                    ~Five year later...~

"You're the best!" Anemone cried, hugging her sister. "You allied with Burn, kicked out Whirlpool, and took me off that harness! You freed your friends from prison, no dragonets were killed, and I got straight As!" "That wasn't in the list," Tsunami pointed out, "But it's okay." "Also, there are- oh, hi, Bottlenose(male) and Dolphin(female)!"

Starflight swam up to Tsunami. "Gotta admit, I'm impressed. I mean, you married an outsider-" He glanced at Riptide. "-and had two dragonets-" He smiled at Bottlenose and Dolphin. "-and they're so cute! You are the best queen!" Tsunami grinned. "I know."

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