What if Darkstalker never started the IceWing plague?

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Fatespeaker was horrified. Glacier was going to die. But she'd have to- Moon! Moon could tell Winter. I need help from an animus, Fatespeaker, thought. Anemone. Anemone was the animus she needed. Fatespeaker closed her eyes, and got pulled into another vision. No, I can't trust Anemone on this. But then who? If I do trust Anemone, then I'd have to- that's it!

She entered the library, and smiled at the sight of the librarian. Starflight, her friend- no, crush- no, actually, Fatespeaker would never admit it, but she predicted that Starflight was her soulmate.

"Starflight?" she said, trying to get the attention of the librarian. "Fatespeaker, that's you, right?" "Mmm-hmm." "Tell me if Anemone comes here." Starflight wore a pained expression, and Fatespeaker thought he didn't realize that. "Sorry," she said sheepishly. Starflight said nothing. Fatespeaker playfully rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'll let you in on a little secret." "I won't say a word." A grin appeared on Starflight's face. She started the whole story, explaining how Darkstalker would wake up, how part of the Jade Winglet and Peril would go on a mission, how Anemone would ally Darkstalker, and saved the worst part for last. "Icicle won't last," Starflight said, concerned. "Or Winter," Fatespeaker added. "We need help from Anemone." "What? Anemone?! Are you out of your mind?!" Fatespeaker wore a pained expression. "No other animus dragon is at school." Starflight sighed. "I guess you're right. We need her animus magic to contact them..." He closed his eyes and went deep in thought. "...and if it doesn't work?" "Anemone will turn evil, side with Darkstalker, and Snowfall will be queen... and Ici- sorry, Her Majesty Glacier will be dead." "Yeesh, that's harsh. Okay, you go on, I'll tell you if Anemone shows up." "Thanks!" Fatespeaker said, and turned around and blushed.


Fatespeaker was still in panic mode. Anemone would side with Darkstalker! Darkstalker, of all dragons! And how could Snowfall even be queen! She's too young!

Fatespeaker was dragged off to a long line of thoughts. Three moons, why did Fate do this? Fate just had to "Hello, Fatespeaker, I'm going to give you a nightmare!". Ugh, so annoying! She had always considered her mind-reading and vision powers as a gift, but now, it was really starting to feel like a curse.

Starflight screamed, "FATESPEAKER!" 

At Starflight's shout, Fatespeaker finally got her mind out of Anemone-siding-with-Darkstalker? Snowfall-being-queen? Glacier-will-be-dead? What-in-Three-Moons? mode. She raced to the library.

"Ane- Anemone?" Blood ran over the young SeaWing's left cheek. "Take her to the hospital wing," Starflight said in a gentle voice. Fatespeaker nodded, and took Anemone in her arms.


"What happened?" Fatespeaker asked as the confounded SeaWing sat up. "I walked into the library- and someone... someone- sorry, that's all I remember." Fatespeaker closed her eyes. The next moment, they immediately flew open. "It's a NightWing, isn't it? But, but I thought-" "Moon, it's Moon. Can you use your animus magic to contact your brother, Kinkajou, Moon, Winter, Peril, and Qibli?" Tsunami is going to be furious, Fatespeaker thought. Anemone nodded, then whispered, "I enchant this ring to let the dragon who touches it contact Turtle, Kinkajou, Moon, Winter, Qibli, and Peril." Fatespeaker gave her a quick, short hug and let go. "Thanks, 'Nemone!" "Don't call me that, please!" "Will do, 'Nem- Anemone!" Anemone smiled weakly, then went back to snoring quietly and dreaming about living a normal life.


Something rang in their ears. "Guys, hello?" a voice said. "Fatespeaker?" Turtle asked. "Mmm. I predicted that Darkstalker would rise-" Moon sighed and gulped as if she had a secret at that. "-Anemone would side with him-" Turtle gasped. "-and Glacier will die; Snowfall, Snowfall-she's too young!- will be queen!" Winter shuddered. "Please prevent that," Fatespeaker said, and her voice was no longer in their ears.


Darkstalker had awakened, predicted this exact thing, and well, went back to snoring soundly. He could hear the sound of Moon laughing, and closed his eyes, eagerly waiting for the chat with his friend.

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