Chapter 13

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Okay so this is mt second update today. Have fun

When we got to the party the gouse was already so full. When we steped in we automatically has red solo cups put in our hands. I took a sip and it tasted so terrible. I scrunched my nise and Niall laughed ay me. "Whats so funny?"


"What about me?"

"The way you scrunch your nose."

"You think thats cute huh?"


"Okay then. Ill just keep scrunching my nise over and over agian." I walked over and sat on the couchand drink more.Niall also had a cup in his hand. He looks at me and raises his cup."To the first time my girlfriend, who has just had her first taste of vodka!"I lift my cup up cup up and clik it aginst his. "Cheers!!!" We both say.

I would drink one cup after another, after another, and after another. Niall stopped me at my 5th cup. Niall left with my cup and brought me a beer in a rwad cup instead. I took a sip after sip till iy was about half empty. I spot louis while dancing with Niall.  I ran to Louis and gave him a hug

"Yay you made it!!" I slurred while talking to Louis. "Your drunk Grace."

"No I'm not!" I say and stummbled backwards.

"Yes, yes you are." A guy walks by and pushes me into Louis. I spilled my drink all on his jean jacket. "Im so sorry." I say while laughing. "Its fine." He says as he takes his jacket off and puts it on a chair.I looked at his shirt. He is wearing a stripped shirt that tightened around his biceps,  because they are so big. I grabbed his arm "WOW!"

"Wow what?"

"Your arms!"

"What about them?"

"I never noticed how big your muscles are."

"Thanks I guess."



"I dont think Louis wants you touching his arm."

"Pffffft whatever."

"Louis can I talk to you please?"

"Sure Niall."

When louis and niall walked away I sneak my way into the kitchen and grab a bottle of vodka.

"What is it?"

"Whay are you flirting with my girlfriend? In fact whay are you even here?"

"First Im not flirting first off and second she invited me."

"Whooooh!!!!!!!" The croud yelled.

"Where is Grace?"


"Why is she in the kitchen?"


"What is it?"

"I've been keeping grace out of the kitchen all night."


"So she dosent get anymore alcohol!" They rushed into the kitchen to find me drinking out of the bottle.
So guys what do you think. I left you sorda at a cliffhanger. Comment and vote on what you think. I love you guys so much.

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