Chapter 4

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Authors note

The chapters will get longer I promise. I am sorry that I havent updated in a while I have been busy.

After getting dressed I walked down stairs and saw Niall and Harry talking. When they saw me they went dead silent. Later I saw Harry leave and I followed him. I stopped him in the kitchen,

"What were yo u and Niall talking about befor I came into the room?"


"Just curious."

"We were talking about a girl."

"What girl?"

"Do you always ask this many questions?"

"What girl?"

"We were talking about you, there happy?!" He said sarcastically.

"Yes, yes I am. Now what about me?"

"I'll tell you later!!"

"Fine." I say rudely and walk off.

I walk up to harry,

"Its later, now tell me."I say as rude as I can.

"We were talking about how cute you are."

"What else?"

"And how he wanted to go over t ok you and kiss you..... the french way."

"Wow. Thats a big shock to me."

"Happy?" He said rudely and sarcastically to me.

"Yes thank you for being honest with me. Cam you do me a favor?"

"Sure, as long as y poo u do something for me."

"It depends on what it is."

"What is you favor Grace?"

"Can you tell me, whatever Niall tells you about me?"

"Yeah as long as I tell you what he says, you have to give me a kiss."

"One the cheek. Ok" I said and started to walk away. Harry grabed my arm to stop me.

"No Grace, on the lips."


"Then I wont tell you a word niall says."

"Ugh. Fine you have a deal." We shuk hands and I walked away.


The chapters will probably get longer by like chapter 8 or 9. Please vote and comment I would really like to know what you think so far.

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