Chapter 9

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Sorry for such a late update I have been super busy lately. Hope you like it :)


I woke up the next morning in Niall's bedroom. When I woke up, I woke upn in Niall's arms.

"Stay sill you have been asleep for a while and you hit your head pretty hard." "Niall what happened. OW! My head hurts."

"Whats the last thing you remember?" "The only thing I remember is seeinflg you and Harry fighting. Niall I want you to tell me what happened."

"Ok. After you get more sleep." "Niall t-"

"No! Not till you get more sleep!" Niall raised his voice. He took a deeo breath and continued. "Sorry I raised my voice. Please get more sleep. The moment ypu wake up I will tell you." "Ok. You promise, the moment I get up you'll tell me?" "I promise. Now get some more rest.

I woke up and found Niall right outside the door asleep, with cookies in his lap. I bent down and kissed him. Before I backed up he kissed me back. I backed up "Morning sunshine." "Morning babe." "Now will you please tell me what happened?"

"But-" "Niall you promised." He let out a sigh and started, "You came running into. Break us appart. Ypu had a hold of Harry's arm, he threw you backwards against the wall and you hit ypur head. You got a cuncotion and past out."

"So thats why I woke up with a massive headache?" "Yeah." "What else happened?" "After he threw you against the wall, I ran over to help you. I saw you passed out on the floor. So I picked you up and brought you here to my room." "Thats when I woke up." "Yeah." I started to cry, "Sorry, I am really sorry." "What are you sorry for?" "For making you miss the party and for making you and Harry get into a fight over me." "No, it was your fault its mine." "Its my gault because you were fighting over me." "I am going to say this one last time, its was my fault period, end of conversation." After Niall said that we both giggled and giggled.


Hope ypu guys like it :)

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Love you guys :)♡

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