Chapter 17

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So another update in the past 2 days I feel good. Here's chapter 17
I pulled away because I didn't want to go any further. "Sorry I didn't want to go to far."
"No it's okay."

"Look Lou, I like you alot. I get a feeling from you like when you kiss my forehead yesterday I got shivers up my spine. I never get shivers from Niall." I kept ranting on before I was cut off with Louis kissing me.

"Lets go inside to eat why don't we?"


When we got inside we are seated by a nice old lady. "Thank you." I say as the lady leaves. Louis pulls my chair out for me and I sit down. "Thank you."
"What are you thanking me for?"

"The chair."

"Oh! Your welcome." Moments pass by without us saying anything, then Louis breaks the silence.

Louis P.O.V
"What would you like to eat?"

"I really don't know." A wait or comes.out and hands Grace s Margarita. "Oh I'm sorry but I didn't order that." She says polightly.

"I know, but he did." He says and walks away. We both turn our heads to see who it is. It some stranger. Grace and I looked at each other and I grabbed. She catches on and leans across the table and kisses me. "I guess I'll have the B.L.T."

"Why that?"

"That's what I always try when I go somewhere new."

"Oh come on. Try something else for a change."

"Fine. I'll have the potato soup."

"Okay. We are ready to order then." The waiter comes back with two glasses of water. "We are ready to order." Grace tells the waiter and he smiles. "What shall it be then young lady"

"I will have the potato soup."

"And I'll have the same."
Okayly I'll be back with your food in a while." The waitor said and walked away.

"I don't like him."

"Why? You don't even know him though." She half giggles.

"He's weird that's why."

"Tell me how is he weird?"

"He was such a jerk when we got here."

"And your point is?"

"If you would have let me finish. I was gonna say, and now he is polite."

"People change Louis."

"Yeah but not that fast."

"Okay Louis, whatever you say." The waitor came with the food and another drink. Like what the Fuck!! She dosent need to be drinking. "I'll be back Grace, I need to go to the toilet."
"Okay. I'll be here." She says as she giggles and smiles.

Grace's P.O.V
I'm here eating my potato soup and waiting for Louis to get back from the loo. As I am drinking my drink an man sits in front of me. "How's the drink?"
"Good." I say to a point where he can barely here me.


"Good." He reaches across the table to try and hold my hand, I pull away so he cant.

"I'm sorry. But I have a boyfriend."

"Yeah and I have a girlfriend. What's your point?"

"My point is to leave me alone."

"Where is this boyfriend of yours, because I don't see him."

"He's using the toilet."

"What are you from London?"

"No. It's just I've been around him long enough I start using his words."

"Okay well then start using some of my words."

"No thank you."

"Fistey Arnt you?" I roll my eyes and then see Louis coming out our of the toilet.

Louis P.O.V
I walk out of the loo and see Grace Roll her eyes. Her gaze met mine and I noticed there is someone else in my seat! I walked over there. "Get away from my girlfriend now!" I say to the strange man in my seat.

"Arnt you a little old for her?"

"No. Now I suggest you get up or I will force you up." Out waitor comes over and hands Grace a box, inturupting our conversation. "Get up now!" I start to raise my voice.

"Louis I'm done why don't we just go?"


"Yes now, I don't want to cause a scene."

"Okay let's get going." Grace stands up and the stranger stands up with her grabbing her hand. She pulls away and grabs my arm. "Leave me alone you creep." She says to the old man.

Grace's P.O.V
"Leave me alone you creep." I say to the weird creepy man that sat at my table. "No." He says to me and Louis steps in font of me. "She said leave her alone." He growls at the man. We start walking and he follows us out. When we got to the car Louis and I separated so I can hop in the passanger seat. Louis pulls out of the parking loans head back foe the mall. It was quiet for a while.

"Yeah love?"

"Why didn't you hit him?"

"Because babel I didn't want to you know cause a scene."

"Oh. Thanks you for the dinner and sticking up for me." Louis blushed a little bit and smiled

"Your welcome."

"What are we gonna tell Niall?" I asked while Louis parked next to my car. "We don't tell him anything. Okay?"

Hope you guys like it. Comment what you think will happen in the next chapter

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