Cahpter 5

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In chapter 8 the chapters will be getting longer.

As I am walking out of the bathroom Harry stops me.

"Niall said he was going to ask you if you want to go to a party with him."

"Like on a date?"

"No, to a zoo." Sarcasm ckear in his voice.

"Oh. Wjen is the party?"

"Friday night."

"Ok. Thanks Harry." As I start to walk away Harry stops me agian.

"Arnt you for getting something?"

"Nope." I said popping the p. "Not that I know of why?"

"We had a deal, if I give you information about niall. You wpuld give me a kiss. On the mouth."

"Fine." I said and I gave him a kiss on the lips as quick as I couls. I got out of the room as quick as I could.

I was walking to get drinks for everyone. Harry walks into the kitchen to help.

"That was a nice kiss. I hope we can do it agian sometime." As I am getting cups out Harry reaches around my waist.

"Harry stop!"

"Dont deny you like it Grace."

"HARRY STOP!" Niall came rushing in. Right when he came in Harry releases me.

This BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang