Chapter 24

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So here is chapter 24. This is all from thinking no written copy so yeah. I'll do the best I can.

Louis P.O.V
Grace was asleep on the other side if the bed so it was easy to sneek out of the room to get her some food. I got changed into some pajama pants and a black hoodie. I walked out to my car and drove to Mcdonalds to get her breakfast. I ordered 4 breakfast boritos, 2 large orange juice, and 2 hash brown. I got the food and drove home.

When I got home I put the food in the microwave so it would stay hot. I went to go check on Grace and she was still asleep. I walked downstairs quietly to get the food ready.

I got out a tray and put 2 boritos on it, a hash brown, and 2 orange juice on the tray. The rest if the food was for me. I grabbed the bag and headed upstairs.

I opened the door to see Grace still asleep like she was 5 minutes ago when I checked in her. I set the tray on the nightstand. I sat down on the bed said "Grace time to get up." I said while poking her face. When she didn't respond or move I did it agian. Then when she didn't respond agian, I leaned down and kissed her.

Grace's P.O.V
I felt Louis kiss me so I waited a minute to kiss back. When I did he pulled away. "Morning love" He said to me.

"Morning Lou. What food you got for me this morning?"

"Well I the best boyfriend you will ever have. Got you 2 breakfast boritos, a hash brown, and an orange juice."

"Then why are there 2 orange juices?

"Because on is for me silly. I got the same thing as you."

"Oh." I said smiling while ting to sit up. It was a little hard since I was still sore from the 'fun' we had last night. Louis placed the tray on my lap and sat next to me. We ate and made jokes until we finally finished eating.

"So love, watcha want to do today?"

"I would love to watch movies all day and eat popcorn."

"Well I would have to run to the store to get popcorn. Other than that sounds like a plan."

"Alright bit where are we gonna watch the movies at? You don't have a TV in your room." We can watch them downstairs."

"You mean I have to get up?"

"No I can carry you."

"Alright." I said smiling and louis picked me up bridal style and carried me downstairs.

"Stay here and I will be back in like 5 minutes."

"Don't be to long or I'll have to beat you up Lou."

"Oh no I'm so scared." Louis said in are child voice.

"You better be. Now run along you weirdo." I said like a kid picking in him. But with a smile in both of our faces we started laughing like 2 year olds. "LOUIS I WANT POPCORN!!"

"Sorry I'm going." He said and kisses ne on the lips and left quickly to get popcorn.

5 minutes later

Louis came back with the popcorn and put a pack in the microwave. "What movie so you want to watch Lou?"

"What about Frozen?"

"Nooooo. I have seen that movie to many times. What about Zombieland?"

"Yes. Even thought I can reside every word from that movie it never gets old."

"I know right?" Louis and I started laughing when the microwave went off and louis went to get the popcorn. "Bitter babe!?"

"Extra!" Louis and I yelled back and forth. When louis got back he put zombieland in and sat down. We in the middle of zombieland when I herad the front door open and heard yelling.


"HAZZA SHUT IT WERE WATCHING A MOVIE" Louis yelled back. Harry came running and jumped over the couch and sat next to me and started eating my popcorn. I was getting mad. The of course Harry had to bring the person I hate most. Niall James Horan.

"Hey Hazza whatcha doin?"

"Watching a movie."

"No you arnt Harry you're eating my popcorn and it's starting to piss me off." Harry swallowed what the popcorn in his mouth and reached for another handful while watching me. I slapped his had and he reached agian. I grabbed ahold of his hand, and bit his finger.


"For eating my pipcorn. My food is mine! Do. Not. Ever. Touch. My. Food. Are we clear?"

"Yeah as long as yo don't bit me agian were good."

"Okay. Now I suggest you go sit somewhere else hazza." Harry got up and walked away. He grabbed Louis and walked toward the bathroom to clean up his had since I made him bleed. Witch left me with the person I hated most. Niall

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