Chapter 25

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Sorry for the super late update. I read over the last chapter and noticed alot of the words I had were not spelled correctly. I will fix that later.I have reasons why I didn't update. Half is because I have been to lazy and dont want to write and the other half is because if marching band. But here is chapter 25.

Grace's P.O.V
The person I hated the most was standing at my doorway just looking around. When he looked at me he smiled and walked over to me.

"So Grace whatcha doin tonight? Maybe I could take you out."

"Well maybe, you can walk your cocky ass out of my house and never come back how does that sound? Hm?"

"Wow someone grew a pair. But please let me take you out. Just as friends."

"Yes I did grow a pair. And no you will not take me out. Not even as friends, I don't even want to be your friend."

"Oh come one"

"No" I said blankly.

"Why not?" Niall asked like a little kid.

"Because I. DONT. LIKE. YOU!" I said gradually getting louder. All of a sudden I felt a pair of lips on mine. I pulled back and slapped Niall across the face.

"Bo-" Niall covered my mouth and told me to be quite.

"Be quite now and I won't have to hurt you"

"Don't touch me yoh jackass!" I grabbed my phone and started texting Louis.


G- please get niall away from me:'(

L- Why whay did he do?

G- He hit on me and then kissed me. I tried to yell for you but he covered my mouth and threatened to hurt me! :'(

*end covo*
"What are you doing?!"

"Nothing just playing on my phone"

"Yeah right" after he said that he slapped me.... Hard, so that it echoed through out the house. Niall grabbed my wrist and dragged me off the couch. I started screaming

"BOO BEAR! HAZZA PLEASE HELP ME!! PLEASE O DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!" I screamed before I heard heavy footsteps coming into the room before Niall him me in the head. He picked me up and started running.

Louis P.O.V

I heard Grace yell for us. I heard the fear in her voice. I dropped everything I was doing and ran out of the kitchen to the loving room to help her. When I got there I saw Niall running out of the house with her in his arms. I ran after him, but I didn't make it in time. When I got outside he was already pulling out of the driveway.

I called the cops and told them what happens and fell to my knees. I started crying because there was nothing nothing I could do to help her.


"This is your fault!"

"Whats my fault?"

"Don't pretend like you don't know. Where did he take her?!"

"Louis I don't know what you are talking about. I swear"

"So if I put you in a lie detector it will say that you are telling the truth"


"I got one inside come on"

"Wait Louis! I know where he is taking her"

"Where the Fuck is he taking her styles?!"

"To the Best Western hotel"

"Lets go! You are coming with me!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?!"

"He'll kill me"

"Not if we put him in jail first"

He he he he he. I am doing alot of cliffhangers. I did one in my other book snd j am doing one now mwhahahahahahahah!
Love to guys please keep voting and commenting

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