Chapter 9.5

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  The next day, Aizawa and Mic called Nezu and told him everything that happened. Katsuki's family was left untouched, at least that is what they told Izuku.  The school was sued. Really sued. They even had evidence from the cameras, so there was no way to defend them. Every teacher was replaced especially the principal, who was now Nezu. The school now accepts any one with any power, and quirk discrimination has 1 warning, after which, you will get detentions, and then suspended. 

  Izuku sat there, happy to know about what happened. Something was still bothering him though. This technically meant that every adult he met at school is now his enemy, targeting him. Oh boy and that was no good. Izu knew that if he didn't do anything at all, everyone he loves and cherished.. will die. 

The teacher's quirks are pretty strong as well... He couldn't let anyone die just because of him. So Izu came up with an easy plan. 

Right when Aizawa and Mic fell asleep, he woke up. Beginning by looking around, he checked which wire connected him to the main machine. He knew that without it, he would probably die! What he didn't know is, my dear readers, is that there is no way he was connected to it because he had minor injuries after the surgery and really expensive quick healing. 

Izuku slowly pulled the IV from his hand, causing a small bleeding. He also got the other needle out and let his breathing mask on (so basically, the doctors aredumb and forgot to take it off). He was now free to move. He slowly stood up, knowing that his legs are still healing, and went straight for the machine. In 3,2,1. And he pulled it. 

Right when he did, he heard laughter behind himself and a loud sigh. 

Mic: That thing ain't connected to you anymore dumb dumb HAHAHAHA

Aizawa: you literally trying to kill yourself after all the money and time we spent? 

Izuku: first of all, rude, second, I can't let anyone hurt you, so it's better off this way!

Mic:pfftt you think someone will hurt us? Listen here,little listener. We are pro heroes who fought millions of villains. Yes we might get hurt, but we have a whole team with us! 

Aizawa: how about this, we never go fighting crime without backup?

Izuku's eyes watered and with a smile, he nodded in agreement. 

Today was the day he is finally going home, let's see what will happen then!

( I wanted to make something cool but I was like, no way I am killing him twice! So yea. Chapter 10 WILL come out though.)

Also, I made this on picrew and I was like, hey, that kinda looks like Middle School Deku in a photo with a wierd looking aizawa! Maybe Mic took it? Here:

Also, I made this on picrew and I was like, hey, that kinda looks like Middle School Deku in a photo with a wierd looking aizawa! Maybe Mic took it? Here:

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