A little song I made and added to the chapter

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Yes I drew this. I just wanted. Story add an image that I really liked to this chapter, but I've got like 6,500 images and there is a small percentage I will find the one I want. So here is and art piece I made :)

Let's start out with Izuku waking up again! 

Izuku Pov

I woke up in my room. The reason why I woke up was because of my nightmare. The blackness taking me away from everyone. Is this what would happen if I died..? It was.. so...

Peacful and calm.. take me back, back, back!

"PROBLEM CHILD ARE YOU OK?!" Aizawa yelled, literally breaking my door down. 

"Yes I am.. fine" I say, smiling at him. 

He simply signs. "If you give me that darn smile one more time I will cry, and it is hard for me to cry!"

"I am sorry.."

"Now, explain why you were yelling all of that? The darkness.. peacful... Take me back. Did you have a nightmare? But darkness... Red... Hold up. Did you die in your nightmare.."


"Kid no! We don't think that, ever!"


"Sho, I heard yelling, are you both alright?!"

"I am fine, of course, the kid dreamed about suicide for God's sake."

"Listener.. no.."

"listen, you see, I am fine. I am fine fine fine fine fine! Haha. Everything is perfect and.. uh.. life is.. fun.ha.ha..ha..."

"Listener, it's ok if life is not fun. It's ok if you feel bad but, get help before planning to go back to the darkness. Because some people will miss you and others will jump in it aswell."

"Papa.. I hope that's ok to call you mic... Uhh. Can we please ain't again'? That really calms me down."

"Of course, kid! Let's go downstairs!"

*While walking downstairs*

"Did you make a new song, little listener?"

"Yea I did... But you are not allowed to stop me during it.."

"Of course! No stopping! Got it!"

Ok. I made this song and I will be soon posting it on YouTube, please, way until I publish it. My YouTube is Dana visor. Please wait, then you can use it. Thank you and fuck whoever will still steal. 

"ready listener?"

"Yea haha"

*Don't know background music yet, but it's like a rap*

"Help me.

I really wanna live,

But I'm dying.

I always try to screamed,

But what comes out is crying.

Always feel so alone in a room full of people.

The people that love me don't know the real me.

I try to speak up, but I feel like a burden,

Letting other people

Deal with my problems.

So I am a Deku.. (DADZAWA)Where stories live. Discover now