Chapter 2: His plan

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(So uhh, we are done with a little flashback. So, after the suicide attempt, Izuku was attacked, saved Kacchan, and got One for All. Got into UA, met with Aizawa [but they still don't remember each other], and basically done everything that happened in the series or the books. But, his mother died from a villain attack.)

Aizawa's POV:

Aizawa: Alright class listen up. 

Aizawa said, but everyone still continued talking. The only people that decided to shut up or were already quiet were IIda and Midoriya, which was really unexpected for me. 

Aizawa, yelling: Alright class. Shut the fuck up! 

Everyone looked at me in shock as they all sat down. I cooled down and continued taking. 

Aizawa: As you all know, this year has been really tough, but also resourceful, for all of you. So, principal Nezu decided that all of you deserve a break for all the trouble that UA caused you. A three month break to spend time with your family. Now go, pack your bags, say goodbye, whatever you want.

All of the class screamed in excitement, but problem child just looked at his book. Is he not excited to leave? Or is he not excited to come back home...?

Aizawa: Midoriya. Stay after class I want to talk to you. 

Midoriya looked at me and signed. This is not the Midoriya that all of us knew. What happened to you problem child?

(At the end of the class)

Everyone left the class, while Midoriya just sat there in his seat sideways, looking down at the floor. I sighed and started going up to him. I sat on the floor right in front of him. 

Aizawa: kid, are you alright? You have not been yourself for a while now, but this is something new.

Midoriya: I am fine. 

I just looked at him. Why did you lie when you have a chance to speak up? I just signed. I heard the problem child mumble, I guess he thought that he was quiet, but it was really easy to hear. So I just picked up a paper from my pocket tat I was going to give to Mic and said:

Aizawa: Here. (I gave him a paper with my phone number) Text me if you ever need someone to talk to. 

He just nodded and left without saying a word. What is wrong with my class this year? 

Izuku's POV:

When I heard that we can go home, I didn't know what to do. I no longer had one to go to. 

Aizawa: Midoriya. Stay after class, I want to talk to you.

I just looked at him and signed. What was I supposed to do anyways? When the bell rang, I just sat sideways and thought for a while. Until I saw my teacher on the floor right next to me. I was surprised that he decided to do that. I thought that he would ask me to come up. 

Aizawa: kid, are you alright? You have not been yourself for a while now, but this is something new

I am not alright. I don't want to leave this place. This is the only place where I felt safe. I don't have anywhere to go. 

Midoriya: I am fine.

Aizawa signed. I started mumbling. I could have gotten help. No,no, I can't ask him for help. He is really busy, I would just be a burden. No one should know. Even thought I am weak, I would just cause trouble. I am just a Deku.

Aizawa: Here. (I gave him a paper with my phone number) Text me if you ever need someone to talk to.

I nodded, taking the paper. I mumbled a thank you, but I don't think he heard. I quickly grabbed my backpack and left to the dorms. Maybe I can stay here?  No one will know if I stay quiet. I can go outside with the rest of the school, and when there will be a large amount of us outside, I will pretend that I forgot something inside. When I am back at my dorm, I will just quietly shut my door and stay in there until tomorrow. No one should be here tomorrow.

Aizawa's POV:

After problem child Left, I decided to let him go, so I sat at my desk and started grading their homework. When I looked up from the papers, I saw a shadow going from the bottom of the door. I'd he still here? I asked myself, walking to the door. Before I touched the doorknob, I heard Midoriya mumbling agai. When will he stop with that habit? I signed and listened.

Midoriya: Maybe I can stay here? No one will know if I stay quiet. I can go outside with the rest of the school, and when there will be a large amount of us outside, I will pretend that I forgot something inside. When I am back at my dorm, I will just quietly shut my door and stay in there until tomorrow. No one should be here tomorrow.

Uhhh, really Problem Child! I guess this is where I am spending the break. God, I have kids. Why did I become a teacher again? I signed, again, I was tired, but I guess I have more problems to solve now. I took out my phone and texted Hizashi (ok, mic doesn't have Shota's phone number because Aizawa has a new phone, but Aizawa has Miz's phone number from his previous phone.).        

(I am sorry I can't change on which side the text is, so the texts will be on the same side) 


                                                       💛 My Loud Blonde. 💛

Sleepless catapillar: Good morning, Hizashi

💛 My Loud Blonde. 💛: I didn't expect you to text me this morning. Is anything wrong?

(He knows me so well, I smiled and continued)

Sleepless catapillar: Yea. I won't be able to come home for the break

💛 My Loud Blonde. 💛: *Sign* let me guess. Somekne is staying at school during a break. Again.

Sleepless catapillar: sorry Mic, I can't just leave my students here.

💛 My Loud Blonde. 💛: Don't worry Sho, but if you are staying I am staying with you. 

💛 My Loud Blonde. 💛 went offline. 


Sign. I guess I have more plans this beak. I sat back down and continued doing my word

Author: hey guuuyyyys. I know my story sucks, I am sorry, but I kinda like it. If you have any suggestion please tell me, because I don't really know where this story is going. Also, I don't have a ship here yet, only erasermic,  so tell me which ship should I do! (Not bakudeku, tododdeku, Shindeku,or aideku. Everyone does these ships. Also, this story is 1120 words long.)

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