Weaving a Yarn Returns[Open]

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Hey Guys! I am alive.

When I felt that life was getting back on track covid shit got serious. So firstly, take good care everyone and stay safe.

About the update, yes I am back and I just updated my another book. I will start Raghili's update either by night or tomorrow. So you expect one soon.

Coming back as mentioned in my last note , I wanted to do weaving and here I am doing it. Not sure if the participation will be good or not. But still I request each of you to participate.

All the best.



2) FULL CREATIVE LIBERTY. Before weaving your part must read all the comments so that you go with flow.

3) You can weave as many times as you want. You can make it as much dramatic, funny, emotional etc as you want.

4) Mention the person who's comment you are continuing to avoid confusion. If possible, before starting leave a comment that I am doing,so that while you are writing no one should start.

5) Do not appreciate anyone as it will lead to chaos. Seperate chapter will be published with tags for appreciation(if you guys will weave ofc). Don't post any comments except for weaving the story.

6) There is no limit to story you can continue for as long as you want. Till i announce that it is closed now.

7) You can write anything but for violence, mature content etc. Give a note. It is not compulsory to continue this genre for the next person.

8) Strictly follow the sequence.

9) Must try. Its fun
All the best!!! ❤

10) After much thought i have decided the topic. I found it quiet undiscovered. I hope you like it.

Good luck 💗💗



Ram was pacing around the chamber anxiously. His heart was throbbing.

"Bhaiya! Bhaiya!" He heard Shatrughan's voice

"Bhaiya! Mata Gauri finally blessed us. Urmila Bhabhi gave birth to a baby girl. We are fathers to a baby girl Bhaiya"

And here you go.........START

Raghili- A Ramayana FictionWhere stories live. Discover now