"He's Canceled"

736 44 18

Addison's p.o.v

The warmth of the air and orange hue, those were the first two things I noticed about the town of McKinney. As we drove through the town towards our new abode, I knew I was in for a culture shock.

Instead of seeing tall buildings made of glass and steel, billboards trying to sell you something unnecessary and people packed at every corner, this place was quaint.

Entering town, you are almost transported back in time, from the steady, well maintained brick and block built buildings to the water silo and sheriff's office.

McKinney was a little piece of untouched history and I could appreciate that.

With a population of little over a 1000 residents who practically all grew up together, I wondered how a big city girl such as myself would fit in and what would the next 11 months entail.

Instead of ending my anticipation to see our new home, my father drove us straight to the church where his new congregation awaited to welcome him with open arms.

Women stood with baskets which I can only assume were filled with baked goods, while others held the traditional casserole dish, guess I wouldn't have to cook for a while.

My father basked in the attention of his new fan group, while I leaned against the bonnet of my car thankful for a good phone signal.

A few moments later my father approached me with a handsome young man by his side.

"Addy, this is Carter Black. He'll be in your class when school starts next month so I thought he could show you around. I have some business to sort out here so after exploring Carter will show you our new home, he knows the address."

'Gee thanks dad, forcing an attractive guy to chaperone me' I thought to myself.

"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance Addison." Carter reached for my hand and planted a kiss on it. Between that accent and his mannerisms I felt like a proper lady in an austentacious western movie.

"Nice to meet you to." Way to go Addy, you sound like a chump.

"I thought we could check out the diner first and further acquaint ourselves. Then I'll show you all the cool hang out spots only locals know about and perhaps end the day with a trip to the bioscope."

"This sounds like a great date and I'm all for it, but what's a bioscope?"

"Please don't think of me as been too forward but if I were to take a lady such as yourself out on a date, I wouldn't do it in my slacks but rather Sunday best. My apologizes, the movie theatre."

"Let's get to it then Carter."

"After you milady." He gestures for me to walk first as a gentleman should.

We arrive at Jenny's diner which reminds me a little of Pops choc'lit shop from my favourite series Riverdale.

"Booth or counter." A beautiful southern belle asks us with a friendly smile.

"Booth please." I answer and she nods in acknowledgement before showing us the way.

"I'll send over a waiter in a few, y'all have a nice day."

"That's Blair, she took over running this place a few years back when her mum retired."

"I can already see myself coming here, taking a little booth for myself and having an all night study session."

"You wouldn't be the first student to have that idea, luckily this place is open 24 hours."

"Hi folks, my name is Holden and I will be ya'lls waiter today."

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