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I wake up to a hand on my shoulder and Newt smiling down at my face. "Jesus Christ Newt!" I say pushing his face away from mine. He just laughs as he pulls me out of my makeshift bed. "C'mon! You're getting your job today!" He says bouncing up and down like a damned toddler. "You're acting like a small child. I have a strong feeling I don't like children." Actually I think I fucking hate them. I grumble putting my hair up in a bun. "You're just grumpy because you haven't eaten. Pretty sure you've always been this way." He says as he pulls me to the kitchen. God this is so weird.

    "Hey, Fry." I mumble dully only just having got out of Newts grip. "Little brother wake you too early, princess?" He teases as he dishes up some breakfast. "Shut up, fucker." I say, taking the plate from him. "What job do you want?" He asks taking his own plate of food. I shrug, not really knowing what jobs they actually have here. "Well you could always help me in here." Fry suggests with a hopeful grin. I raise my eyebrow at him and he just laughs. "Good point, you probably suck." Rude. I shove his shoulder a little, "Whatever Fry." I smile, putting my plate in the bin.

I make my over to Minho and Newt. "Where do I start?" I ask ruffling Newts hair. Alby pops out of fucking thin air, "With me Greenie." I jump a little and spin around to the boy behind me. "Jesus fucking Christ Alby! Don't to that." Newt and Minho laugh while Alby shoots them a look. "We have slang for a reason greenie. I expect you to use it." He reprimands me. "Then I expect you to not come out of thin fu- air" I say with just as much attitude. He smirks and shakes his head a little. "Fine then, this way."

    What the actual fucking fucknuckles is this? I think as he leads me towards another boy who's chopping up meat with a pig pen nearby. Nope. No, no no. Not gonna happen. I stop walking and look at Alby who seems confused.

"If you think you're gonna have me slaughtering animals you're sorely fuckin mistaken. Shit- fuck- sorry." I wince, biting my knuckle at the end of my sentence and Alby starts laughing his ass off. I raise my eyebrow in question and he just doesn't stop. Weird. The other boy walks over to us, wiping his hands on the apron around his waist. "I'm Winston, Alby..." he pauses looking at the leader whose now doubled over in wheezing laughter with a questioning gaze before turning back to me, "-he said you'd be working with me today?" He holds out his hand I take it, giving it a small squeeze. "Sorry, but no." I start, "Not if you're chopping up animals." Winston chuckles and nods towards Alby. "Seems fair, what's up with him?" I shrug a little, No fucking idea buddy. "Told him the same thing I did you just now." I say. Winston and I started back towards the others. I notice a rather big cut on his arm. "The hell did you do to yourself, boy?" I ask taking his forearm in my hands careful not to be too rough with it. "Oh just a slip with the knife." He shrugs letting me look at his arm. "Jesus Christ, hang on." I let go of him and look for Newt.

"Hey, where's the stuff that came up in the cage thing with me?" I ask my little brother as I walk up to him. "Well hello to you too sister." He says with a sarcastic smile. "Why'd you need to know?" He asks. Because I need to know asshat. "Winston, I remember seeing some first aid stuff in one of the crates and he has a nasty gash." I explain as he leads me to where I assume they keep the stuff that's sent up with greenies. "Here we are." He says opening a tent that has a bunch of stuff randomly stacked "fucking hell Newtie." I say as I enter the tent looking for some kind of bandage with something to clean his arm off. "Language blonde!" I hear Alby shout from outside. "Sorry boss!" I shout back not bothering to look up. "I can almost hear you shaking your head squirt." I say with a smile. "Can you really blame me? Yesterday you threatened to cut his tongue out."

    I find gauze and some rubbing alcohol. "Okay got it." I say heading out of the tent shouting a thank you to Newt.

"Winston! Get over here." I yell as I walk towards my tent. He jogs over and looks at me curiously, "What's up?" He asks sitting next to me on the floor. "Give me your arm." I say reaching out. "Oh uh okay...I guess." He sounds hesitant. Whatever it'll get infected unless I help. "This might sting a bit." I warn as I pour the liquid over his gash. He hissed at the pain and tries to take his arm back but I hold on. "Fucking hell woman!" He mutters as I rinse it with water and wrap his arm up. Wuss. "Here. I'm going to check it again in about two days, to make sure it isn't infected. Try not to get too much animal blood in it." I say as he leaves.

Alby comes in the tent as I'm cleaning up. "What was that about? Winston never uses foul language." He asks. "Low pain tolerance I guess." I shrug as I place the liquid and bandages on the stump they put in the corner. "Do you need anything?" I ask looking quizzically at him. "No, just...what is that?" He asks pointing towards the items. "Oh, I used it to clean Winstons cut. Didn't want it getting infected." I say, sitting down on my hammock. "Okay then." He says leaving. These people are weird as shit.

Dinner time comes around and I go up to Frypan as I did earlier and wait for him to get himself and I some food before sitting with him and Minho. "Hey, what's up with your leg?" Fry asks as we sit down. "Just bumped it in the maze. It's nothing." Minho brings his leg closer to himself as if trying to hide it. I crouch down next to him taking his calf back out from underneath him. "That's not nothing, Min. This is really deep." I say touching the skin on the outer side of it. Damn. He winces a bit but doesn't pull back. "Hang on." I say getting up and walking to the tent with all the stuff that came up in the box. "Here we go." I say to myself as I pull out needle and thread from one of them, along with a splint.

I walk back to my own tent and grab my canteen of water and the alcohol I used on Winstons arm. "Minho, this'll hurt a bit but try not to move okay?" I warn as I dab the liquid on with a rag. "fuck me running!" I chuckle a bit as Alby comes over. "Why is everyone cursing now?" He asks a little alarmed. "I'm cleaning out his leg. He 'bumped' it in the maze and now he needs stitches. I don't know how but I can do it." I say hopping up to grab the anesthetic that I saw in the tent. "I'll be right back. Don't let him leave!" I say over my shoulder, jogging to the tent. "Gotcha." I whisper grabbing the syringe and small bottle and jogging back.

"Here, this'll make it hurt a lot less." I say jabbing the needle into the bottle and pulling enough to numb his leg. I thread the needle and Minho's eyes go wide. "Y-you think you're going to put that in my leg?" He says already trying to get up. "Relax Minho." I start to soothe him, "I promise you won't feel the needle. The shot numbed it but if you keep stalling it's going to wear off and it will hurt." I say as I signal Fry and Alby to be ready to hold him down.

Minho nods stiffly and lets me have his leg again. "Okay on three, one-" I push the needle through and start to string it through his cut effectively creeping the others out. "How do you know to do this?" I hear Newt ask from somewhere behind me. "I'm not really sure, Squirt." I say tying off the thread and wrapping one layer of gauze around his leg before adding the splint and another layer to help keep it in place. "There you go! All fixed up." I say with a triumphant smile. "Anyone else injured?" I ask only to get a string of 'nos' and shakes of the head. "Good, now I'm going to bed."

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