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Newt's POV

Gally sighs as he returns to his work, I don't think he even realizes what he said. "She's not into me, and I'm her best friend." A minuscule smirk makes it's way on my lips at his choice of words. He didn't deny his feelings...? I pat Gally on the back and walk away, heading over to Minho's hammock.

    "Wake up, you lazy arse." I mutter, shaking Minho awake. "I'm up. Jesus Christ, Newt." He groans, putting his forearm over his forehead, unknowingly putting the gash on his abdomen on display for me. "Mate, where in the hell did you get that?" I ask hovering a few fingers over it. "What?" He looks down at his stomach, almost as surprised as myself at  the partially scabbed over wound. "Holy shuck." He says slowly.  "She'll kill me, wont she?" He asks looking back up to me, an only half joking expression held on his face. I cross my arms over my chest, and fight back a slight smile. "Probably."

   I practically have to drag Minho over to the med hut by his ear. "C'mon man! It's not that bad. Look! It's already healing." He tries to reason, motioning to his now clothed torso. "I don't care, Minho. If she finds out I knew and didn't force you to see her we will both be thrown into the bloody maze." I rest a hand on my hip, dragging the other over my face. "Med-hut. Now." I sigh pointing behind me with a frown. He huffs like a little kid who didn't get his way but makes his way past me, giving into the order.

Minho's POV

    "What in the hell did you do?" Athena asks me, dragging my shirt the rest of the way over my head. "At least take me out to dinner first, lady!" I exclaim, admittedly avoiding her question to which she throws a glare. "Stop avoiding." She mutters, her voice dangerously low. Aw shuck. I'm dead. Kill me now. I want a black tie funeral. Every one of the these shanks better be bawling for me. "I don't actually know what happened- I know! I know, you think I'm lying about this but I swear to shuck I have no idea when I got this!" I rush when she glares up at me again. "You can ask Newt! I had no idea." She looks at the door, where Newt pushes himself off the frame. "Don't bring me into this mess! I saw it this morning and that's all I'm aware of!" He raises his arms in front of him, starting to back out of the hut. shuck slut. I think, huffing as he closes the door behind him.

Athenas POV

Great, first the shit with Zart this morning and now this. I inwardly groan knowing that I'm going to have to disgust myself by removing a scab from one of my best friends stomach's after breaking up with my perfectly sweet boyfriend not even two hours before. Just fucking peachy...and the goddamn greenie comes up today.

"Y'know I'm going to have to remove the scab right?" I ask looking up from my position in front of him. "What? The hell you are!" He tries to scramble over the cot and out of my reach, but is met with a hand on each shoulder. He looks up to see Clint and Jeff, gently holding him in place. "It won't hurt." I mutter the promise somewhat gently. "Unless you try to get away again." Clint adds from behind Minho, earning a glare from Jeff and a poorly hidden chuckle from me. "I don't need it. Im fine!" He insists as I get up, walking over to the cabinet that has what I need in it. "No, Min. It could get infected if I don't." I say looking over my shoulder as I reach up for something. "Dude, you'll be fine." Jeff assures him. "She'll fix you up good." He mutters.

Minho squeezes his eyes shit when I kneel back down in front of him. "You'll be fine Minho, I promise I won't let you die." I mutter, giving his knee a squeeze before starting the removal process, keeping one hand on his thigh, at least trying to comfort him whenever possible. He seems to relax in the slightest under my touch so I think it's done something to help, though it quite literally pains me when I have to comfort my friend like this.

Putting a damp bandage over the dry one I pat Minho's leg and get up from my place, grabbing everything and putting it where it goes. "That was disgusting by the way." I chuckle at Jeff's words, looking over my shoulder and smile at a creeped out looking Minho and Jeff. The telltale sirens of the box cut off my response and we all walk out of the hut, Minho and I heading for Gally. The other two going for Zart and someone else. "Why are you shirtless? It's like fifty degree's out here." I ask the builder, taking off the sweatshirt I stole from him a few weeks ago and handing it to him. He shakes his head, pushing the clothing back towards me. "No, 'it's fifty degrees out here.' You need it." He repeats my words, making me glare at him mirthlessly. He chuckles at my reaction and reaches behind him putting on his own hoodie. "I was hot from work." He says sliding it over his head. "Alright, whatever. Can we go now?" Minho asks from beside me, sounding like an impatient ten year old. "Yes Minho, we can go meet the newest whiner." I smile rolling my eyes and pulling Gally's hood over his eyes when he mocks me.

The boys crowd around the box, per usual. Some of them just trying to get a glimpse of their new toy, most trying to scare the shit out of the poor boy. "Move asshats!" I weave my way through crowd of BO and over to the edge of the box. "Where is he?" Someone asks, looking up at the rest of us. "No idea, Zach." I mutter, jumping into the cage, grabbing the wall the steady myself once I land.

I spot something, or rather someone. In the corner behind all the crates holding medical supplies. "Hey, I'm gonna lay it out straight for you, okay?" I ask rhetorically, walking slowly towards him. "Those boys up there? They are going to try and scare the absolute shit out of you. And you probably don't remember anything. It's how we all were, your name will come back to you in a day or two." I explain about as much as I think he needs to know for now, glancing up at Gally who had made his way to the front of the crowd. He nods kind of encouragingly, letting me know that I'm doing an okay job. "Look kid, you'll be fine. But we need to get these crates out." I'm now in front of the boy, whose hood is up and his knees are to his chest, similarly to the way I sitting when I first came up.

"Can you get rid of them? I don't like being ogled at by this many people." The greenie mumbles, barely audible. "Scram! All of you." I shout looking up, around all of them. "Now!" I say with a bit more authority when no one actually leaves. They almost all put their heads down and scramble away, making me chuckle lowly to myself. "I get it, not liking to be looked at." I say, squatting down across from him. "I'm the only girl in a society of fifty something boys." I mutter, looking back up to him. "I'm Athena, everyone calls me Doc or At, though." I say, holding out my hand just trying to get him to speak again. "I don't know my name." He replies, sticking out a hand with an almost invisible tremble, and his voice uncertain but lacking the tears that come with most greenies. My heart tears at his words, my mind going to almost three years ago ago when those same words were spoken to me in this same box.

I glance up at the opening of the box, aware that the boys were most likely getting impatient with us. "Hey dude? Y' know how I said we live with fifty some boys?" The greenie nods, looking confused. "Well, they need to carry these crates up. I can take you to the med-hut and demand you be left alone, if you want. If not then you can start meeting them now." I offer, getting up from my sitting position. He nods again, swallowing thickly. "I'd like to meet them, but I have a feeling none of them are prettier than you." He winks, slightly surprising me with the sudden confidence and using the cage to stand up. "I don't know, I'm almost positive Minho would die of ego damage if he heard you say that." I say starting to walk over to the wall with the ladder. "Oh and, don't enjoy the view too much. My brother might just have your head." I mutter over my shoulder. Catching a glimpse of his slightly red cheeks I turn back around and climb out, the greenie not far behind me.

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