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Gally's POV

~Four weeks later~

I trudge into Athenas hut, preparing myself for the string of profanities about to fly my way. "At, you gotta get up." I mutter gently, tugging on her arm which she rips out of my grasp. "Fuck you, bitch boy." She mumbles into her pillow. That's a new one. My eyebrows crease in effort not to laugh at her new insult. "Birdy- what the shuck?" I ask, barely holding in my laughter. "Do I need to repeat that I think you're a fucking bitch for waking me up?" She asks finally rolling onto her back.

"The Greenie is gonna be up in a bit and it would be nice if you came to meet him. They're always calmer when you help them out of the box." I lean against the wall, crossing my arms lazily. "Yeah, that's because I have boobs. You should grow some, they're real useful. Hurt all the time and make it impossible to run without a sporting bra." She replies flatly. My ears go hot at her choice of words and my smile diminishes slightly. She rolls her eyes and props herself up on her right arm. "Fine. Only because I want food." She mutters sulking out of bed. I almost sigh in relief when she does, thankful I didn't have to deal with Newt and Alby.

"What's for food?" She asks, her voice still flat and mean. "Hopefully something to make you nice again." I retort, earning a chuckle from someone behind us. "When is she ever nice?" Minho asks going to sling an arm over her other shoulder. "I wouldn't-" Minho does it anyways, ignoring my warning, as per usual. I take two steps to the right, away from the two of them. "Minho. If you don't get at least five fucking yards away from me within the next ten seconds I'm going to break your kneecaps and wear your teeth as pearls for nice occasions." Athena mutters in an almost bored sounding tone. "I'd run." Newt mutters, walking up to us. Minho nods and makes a show of backing away from her as if she's a venomous snake.

We sit down at our regular spot, Athena next to me, Newt across from her, Frypan next to him, and Minho across from Zart, who is on the other side of Athena, about a foot of distance between the two, smart decision between it being morning and her being her. Not to mention the power Newt's glare holds. I fight back a grimace at the thought and focus on my food instead.

"So who's giving the Greenie Tour?" Frypan asks after a while. Thank shuck. "Gally." Athena and Newt mumble at the same time. Never shuck mind. I look between the two of them, thoroughly freaked out. "I shuck hate it when you two do that." I say making a face at her. Which she returns, in a slightly better mood. "Athena here gets to help me though." I mutter tilting my head at her and taking another bite of my pancake. She groans throwing her head back and no doubt rolling her eyes. "I fucking hate greenies." She grumbles, "I mean they're always so scared and for what? 'Oh no! I'm stuck in a giant green field with alcohol hot guys and weed!'" She makes a weird high pitched voice to mock the greenies and Minho snorts before he can stop himself, the rest of us trying not to laugh because of Newt, failing completely and miserably. But still trying for his sake. "Right. All of you to work. Now." He grumbles standing up from his seat and walking away.


"Gally!" I look up from my project, seeing Athena practically bounding towards me. "Birdy." I greet with a half smile. "You're in a surprisingly good mood." I say as she gets the rest of the way over, wrapping her arms around me as if she had the sudden need for physical touch. I freeze for a moment, unsure of what's happening. She hasn't hugged me in weeks- Shaking off the unwanted thought I return the hug, one hand going to her shoulders and the other the middle of her back. She chuckles and lets me go, jumping onto my workbench.

"What have you been working on, on this fine day?" She asks, what looks like a nervous grin settled across her lips. I arch an eyebrow at her, suspicious of what she's got planned. "Furniture, for the homestead. Figure the place could use some." I mutter, nodding my head towards the half built couch and a few of the other builders working on some chairs and a table. "That's- actually pretty thoughtful of you." She says leaning back on her hand. "Well don't sound so surprised." I mumble trying to look hurt. "Oh I'm sorry, Mr hospitality!" She grins even wider, though the nerves seem double when she sees something over my shoulder. Suddenly a little bitter, I look over my shoulder only to see her human shucking sunburn of a boyfriend. 

     "The walking strawberry is here for you." I mutter earning a glare from her and a chuckle from Zach, a builder working on a couch nearby. "Have fun, Birdy." I say, my voice a bit softer now. She smiles up at me, her expression looking almost uncertain this time. Shaking it off I duck away as she tries to mess up my hair. "Not today!" I grin, tussling her's in return. "I'm so going to kill you. I have no idea the how yet but I'm going to make it very painful." She smiles, trying to fix her hair and going to walk off with Zart, her hands fidgeting at her sides until she disappears from my view

Light footsteps a little ways behind me alert me of someone's presence, a slight stutter in the rhythm with every other step. A little feeling of disappointment swirls through gut, almost immediately fading though. "Greenie'll be up soon." Newt states, leaning against my work bench for support. I don't bother to look up to at him, knowing already that he's ogling Trevor a few yards away. "Stop drooling Newt. You're making it obvious." I glance up at him to see that he's red from his ears to his toes. Whether it's the cold wind or blush I have no shuck clue.

    "Shut your bloody mouth, Gally." He mumbles looking away from the others. "Why don't you just ask him out?" I ask, squinting against the harsh light that the sun that seems to give us, only to provide enough heat to keep the crops alive. "I'm not going to speak with you about this, you're my sisters best friend." My chest stirs, a small pain taking place in it for a second before disappearing again. I shrug away the feeling and focus back on the lanky blonde. "We both know you've got it bad for my sister so why haven't you told her?" He fires at me, a glint in his eye. I'm sure my eyes went twice as wide than regular. "I do not." I say lowly, not believing what he just suggested. Again that little pinching sensation in my chest is there but before I can even think about it it's gone. "Nothing is going to happen between the two of us. She's not into me, and I'm her best friend." I mutter returning to the couch.

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