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       "Wake up." I hear Gally mutter next to me.  Wait what the fuck? Why's he in my bed? When did I go to bed? WHAT THE FUCK IM IN A TREE?

  "Seriously. It's time for breakfast and I have no idea how to get down. Plus you were about to fall." He says, motioning to my posture on the branch, slightly slumped over and leaning so far over his hand is about the only thing supporting me. "Holy shit. Thanks." I say with a smile, straightening up and going past him on the way down. "Just follow my footsteps." I say climbing down rather slow so that he could keep up.

    "Where were you two all night?" Minho asks with the same glint as always in his eye when it comes to talking about me and Gally. "Well I was hiding in a tree from this idiot." I quip, elbowing Gally in the side. "And I was at the bottom of the tree." He says sitting down next to me. Newt nods, not bothering to ask why. Clint just laughs and Minho looks suspicious of us. "You slept in a tree?" He asks raising his eyebrows. "Yes?" I nod shoveling eggs into my mouth. "Why?" He waves his fork around asking the question. "I told you, I was hiding from this guy." I say nodding my head towards Gally. "But why were you hiding?" He asks accidentally flinging some egg onto the ceiling of the tent. I laugh and just shake my head. "I kicked his ass." I say nudging him with my knee. "Yeah, sure. That's why you hid" Gally pipes in nudging me back. I catch Newts side eye directed at Gally and throw him a confused look, but he just shakes his head and smiles at me. Oh little brother.

"So Alby, I was wondering if we could try Clint out as another Medjack. I mean I know no one wants to admit it but something might happen to me and I mean you never know..." I trail off not really knowing what to say. "Okay first off, nothing is going to happen to you because you're going to stay inside the walls and keep us all safe from ourselves. Two, sure we can start trying greenies out with you." He says turning around and leaning on the table of the homestead. Gally had built it only a few weeks ago, built with two of the walls and a slanted roof.

  "Whatcha looking at?" I ask referring to the paper on the table. "Oh it's just inventory, all of the stuff from the box." He says, his eyebrows furrowed. Somethings not right. "What's wrong? And before you say 'nothing' like a mopey little girl I know something is so tell me before I get out to needle and thread." I say looking at the paper. "Shuck woman! Okay, it's not that anything is wrong it's just something new came up in the box. I thought it might be medical but it doesn't look like anything you use." He says turning around and walking into one of the rooms. "Here, he says reemerging with a bottle of liquid. "Any ideas?" He asks handing it to me.

    I turn the bottle over in my hands and see  the label says 'CHERRY VODKA' I smile a bit and put it under my arm. "Yeah, this is medicinal actually." I say walking away from the hut. I run the rest of the way to where Gally is and tap him on the back. "Dude. Look what I have!" I give him the bottle and he just looks at me dumbfounded. "Huh?" He asks scratching the back of his head. "Ugh, you're an idiot." I say taking the bottle back and dragging him to the hut. "Now what the shuck are you doing?" He asks sitting on the the hammock. "I am giving you your first taste of alcohol." I say opening the bottle. "Of what?" I sigh and sit down next to him. "Alright, I'm gonna be right back. Do not. I repeat DO NOT try to drink any of that without me." I say walking away to get some water and fruits from Fry.

    "Hey, Fry." I say leaning on the doorway of the kitchen. "What is it?" He asks throwing a dish towel over his shoulder. "Um first off, rude. But while were on the topic, if it wouldn't be too much of a bother could I please get some fruits from you...and maybe some juice too?" I ask clasping my hands together. "Fine, but only if you share with me." I smile triumphantly. "Thank you, you beautiful angel." I say climbing on the counter so I can reach the fruit he keeps on the top shelf. "Having troubles?" He asks looking up at me. "Oh fuck off." I flip him the bird and get down with a basket full of strawberries and other various fruits. "Let's go!" I say grabbing a bottle of juice out of the fridge and walking back to the forest.

"Okay, try this." I say hanging the glass jug to Gally. He tosses some back and makes a face. "It's good but...weird." He says laying back in the hammock. "Okay, Fry your turn." I laugh handing the glass to him instead. He raises an eyebrow at me but drinks it anyways and smiles at me. "This is good!" He says chugging the rest of it. "No-" and it's gone. I'm fucked. I'm beyond fucked. "What's wrong?" Fry asks. "Did you wants some?"

I shake my head and try not to laugh when he hiccups. "I'm good Fry, thanks though." He shrugs and plops down on the cot. "When did you put this place together?" He asks playing with one of the fairy lights. "I don't know like two weeks after I got here." I say leaning against the tree trunk and sliding down it. We we sit in silence for a bit, all of us lost in our own thoughts. "Hey Fry?" No answer. "Fry?" I ask again, still no answer. I look over and see Gally and him passed out, Gally spread Eagle and...shirtless? I chuckle a bit and grab the blankets from the bin beside the cot, throwing one over each of the boys and hanging Gallys shirt over the branch next to him. "Goodnight boys."

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