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      "So how was the date?" Minho asks laying on the floor of my hut with his hands behind his head, grin ever so present on his face, George laying in my hammock across the room. I walk over to my bed kicking him lightly in the ribs on my way. "Fuck off, Min." I laugh sitting on my bed with my back against the wall. "I'm serious! How was it?" He insists. "It was amazing. He was so sweet and he even made us a little picnic with my favorite fruits and shit!" Minho laughs and sits up. "Sounds like you had fun." He says, his smile not faltering. "Is he a good kisser?" Why am I surprised?  "Yes actually, he's a great kisser Minho." George cackles at my reply and I roll my eyes at the overly dramatic gasp that leaves Minho's lips. "Tell. Me. Everything." He rests his elbows on the edge of my bed and looks up like a little kid waiting for a fairy tail or some shit. "Oh fuck off!" I push his head away making him fall on his behind causing George to laugh again. "Fine then. Be that way." He scoffs walking out of my hut. Dumbass.

  "What food did he bring to the picnic?" George asks, still laying in my hammock, hands behind his head. "He had Fry make us pasta because it's my favorite. Which I'm not even sure how he found that out, I might add." George laughs and signals for me to continue. "And he took me up on top of the kitchen roof to look at the stars afterwards and it was just all around amazing." I sigh looking at the ceiling, remembering the rush that it gave me, to be held by someone the way he held me. "Then he walked me back here and he kissed me." I hate romance novels because they're to cheesy but they're right, it felt like a fucking fire inside of my gut. "That sounds so cheesy. But at the same time so awesome." George comments looking over to me with a huge smile. I nod, slipping in and out of sleep. Probably should've gone to bed earlier dipshit.

   "Wake up, Doc. Time for grub." Someone shakes me awake by the shoulder. "Fuck off. I'll eat later." I mumble turning away from the voice. "I'll bring you back some then." The boy, Zart, whispers, pressing a light kiss to my shoulder.

   I roll onto my back, not wanting to open my eyes but knowing I should. "Good morning, sister!" I hear Newts voice in the corner. Newts voice. Shit! I open my eyes rolling over to where I can look at him, hiding my hand under the covers. "So, who's jumper is this really?" He asks holding the burgundy fabric between his fingers. "Mine." I yawn rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Oh? I thought it was Zart's." He asks walking over to me. "It was. Now it's mine." I say pulling the blanket further up my arm.

     Newt tries to drag me out of bed for the third fucking time this week. "Fuck off!" I groan still exhausted. "We've got work to do." He insists, putting his hands on his hips. "Fine, just give me five more minutes! Please." I ask laying back down. "Have it your way." He says walking out. Shit. Why'd he say it like that? As if answering my question Gally walks into my hut and picks me up bridal style. "Wait- Gally, my hand. I need to hide my hand." Mutter pointing to the sweater. "Right." He walks over to the stump it's folded on and lets me grab it. "Thanks." I say putting it on top of my hand resting my head on Gally's chest. "I thought you were gonna bring me back some?" I murmur into it. "What? I-I haven't talked to you since yesterday, At." My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Who- Zart. My stomach flutters slightly, remembering the feeling of his lips on the back of my shoulder. "Must've been a weird dream then." I mutter opening my eyes a little and looking up at him.

    "You can put me down y'know." I say as we approach the fire. "Why would I do that?" Gally asks walking over to Fry. "Because I have friends that I'd like to talk to." I say looking around for Newt. Coast clear. "Also I I'm cold, I need to put on my sweater." I say trying to get down. "Why the fuck are you so tall?" I huff crossing my arms. "Maybe you're just tiny." He argues. "Bro- you're like 6'4 fuck off." Fry laughs at my words and goes to talk to someone else.

     Gally sets me down making sure that Newt isn't looking. "You're good." He mutters standing to where if he were to look over all Newt would see is Gally's back. "You're my best shucking friend," Gally chuckles as I pull his sweater over my head. "But you're way too clumsy for your own good." I flip him off with a sweet smile and he just laughs harder. "You're not any better. I'm gonna go find Zart." I say walking towards the other Trackhoes. Gally nods with a suggestive look, which I choose to ignore, again.

    "Hey." He says waking up to Zart and the others. "Howdy, beautiful." I smile at his greeting and nod to the others. "I had fun last night." I say as we walk over to an empty log. He nods and sits down on the log next to me. "So how'd you actually hurt your hand?" He asks nodding to the sweater. "I slipped and landed on it wrong."  It's not a lie, just not the whole truth. Zart nods with a small chuckle, probably making fun of how un-graceful I am. "Sorry I ain't bring you supper like I said. Newt told me he'd come n get ya." He explains. "It's okay, thanks for even offering. Most of these fucktards would've let me sleep until tomorrow." I nudge him in side kind of lightly. Which I wouldn't have minded like at all. "It's no pro'lem." He says with a small smile. "Do you want to do it again tomorrow? An official date with me this time?"  he asks. I nod my smile growing a bit. "I'd love to." I say, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

      "I'm gonna go talk to my friends, I'll see you later?" Zart nods and I get up, walking over to Minho, Gally, Fry, George, and Clint. "Hey, what'd I miss?" I ask grabbing a jar out of Gally's hand. "This the shit that you made?" I ask, swirling the liquid around. Gally nods and I open the jar, taking a sip. "Still wondering what the fuck all you put in this." I say making a face, eliciting chuckles from the boys around me. "How was the Maze?" I ask turning to George. "It was okay, really shucking creepy. But no one got hurt today." He says with a half smile. "I don't like you going out there." Fry comments taking a swig of his drink. "I'm sure he's Careful, Fry." George nods, not so subtlety taking one of Fry's pinkies into his grasp. Fry just sighs, using his thumb to stroke the other boys hand. "Yeah, I know but it worries me. I mean Minho had to get stitches a few months ago because of that place. Not to mention the bruises you already have from it." He says referring to George's busted up knees. "I told you, I just tripped." He laughs. "Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise." He says with a reassuring smile. Fry nods uneasily, obviously not believing him at all. Which I can't blame him, if Zart Newt or Gally tried to go in there I'd probably have a panic attack. I can only imagine how he feels right now.

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