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Third person


     Gally drags himself out of the comfort of his hammock and toward Athena's hut to wake her up for breakfast. "Morning." Zach mutters as he passes him by. Gally grunts in response, nodding slightly at his friend in greeting.

    "Doc- At?" Gally looks around her hut, seeing no sign of her bed being slept in or even her being in here at all. Her bed is still made, her night clothes are folded on her dresser, and her book is still on her nightstand. His heart rate picks up slightly as He makes his back through the glade looking all around but only catching sight of a few boys who are awake early enough to get their share of bacon before it's gone. His pace speeds up with his nerves, becoming more desperate to find her.

Gally walks through the woods, heading north to her smoke spot first. Nothing. "Shit Athena, where are you?" He turns back to his right and goes for the woods hut. "Birdy?" He calls into the hut a small groan of annoyance confirms to him that she's in there. "At, you gotta get up." Gally he lets out a silent breath he hadn't known he'd been holding in. "No." She mutters from her place underneath several blankets on the hammock.

    He leans down to her so his face is hovering only inches from hers, his mouth next to her left ear. "There's bacon." He whispers, shooting his upper body out of the way once she registers the words. "Bacon?" She asks shooting upwards like a cereal killer does in the movies and throwing her legs over the side of the hammock, Gally only just managing to catch her when she falls out. "Yes, Bacon. Now let's go get you some food."

Gally's POV

    "Where have you two been?" A familiar British screech comes down on us as we walk toward the canteen for breakfast. "Walk and screech Newt, I'm hungry." Athena grumbles from beside me. I almost let out a dangerously loud chuckle, just barely swallowing the obnoxious noise. Newt scowls and takes his place next to her. I take this as my exit point, with Newt being angry and the fact that it's morning, there is absolutely no outcome of this mixture that will be good.

    I thank Fry for my food and sit down a table away from the siblings, Minho, Clint, and Fry following my lead.

"Clint, you good?" Fry asks catching the table's attention. Clint nods his head yes and scoots his plate to the left a little. "I'm fine, thanks." He mutters getting up. He grabs his plate, walking back to the kitchen to put it in the bin and starts back toward us. I turn back to Minho and carry on our conversation.

Athena's POV


Implied abuse//trauma

I slump back down in my seat, picking at the bacon on my plate. Newt is going on and on about how I can't just disappear without telling him. How he wouldn't have been able to help me if I had an anxiety attack or if I got hurt. I know he's just worried but I'm not a little kid, I'm his older sister for fucks sake. I'm supposed to be taking care of him.

"Holy- Athena?" A frantic call from Minho pulls me out of the lecture and my attention toward him rushing to the middle of the canteen where Clint is seemingly unconscious on the ground. Shit. "Everybody out. Now." I order nodding to Alby and a group of builders to help get them out.

"Gally, stay. I might need your help." I say straightening the boy on the ground out to where he's on his back with his head in my lap. "Don't touch him unless I say, he's going to go into a seizure." I say tapping the ground beside me.

I move his curls from his face, sliding my hand into his own. "Hey, it's Athena and Gally here, okay Clint?" I mutter softly. "If you can hear me I need you to squeeze my hand." My voice barely above a whisper I keep talking to him, until he squeezes my hand slightly. "Okay, alright that's great. You're doing amazing, Clint." I stroke my thumb up and down the bottom knuckle on his index finger.

    Clint's grip let's up on my hand for a second and his body starts to convulse. I glance up at Gally, whose face is wearing a panicked expression. "He's okay, this is the seizure." I mutter softly moving his curls from his face again. "You're alright." I mumble, readjusting so his head is back in my lap when it starts to slip.

    The first seizure stops and Clint falls back to his unconscious state. I keep whispering to him, getting him to smile a few times with remarks about Gally and Newt before he stops responding completely again.

He stops seizing the second time and he's okay for a few moments. When his breathing pick up again and his eyebrows furrow in fear I turn to Gally. "Gally, get ready. Don't touch him until I say." I mumble, receiving a nod from him.

"No...no! Get him off me!" Clint's right fist swings up, narrowly missing my face. "Now." I say quietly, moving my hands and keeping his upper arms still. "Clint, hey. It's just me and Gally still. He's not here, it's just us. He's not here, Clint." My heart gives a twist when the boy in my lap starts crying, dry sobs breaking through his lips and racking his shoulders, his eyes remaining lightly closed with almost silent pleas bringing him out of his state of previous panic. "Shh, it's just us okay? Just me and Gally, we're here for you right now." Clint stops fighting so hard as I run a hand through his curls.

I shift my attention to Gally, waiting for him to meet my gaze. "He's coming out of it. He won't remember anything, so just don't bring it up unless he asks." Gally nods and smooths his thumbs over Clint's forearm arms as the younger's body goes almost entirely limp and relaxed. His hands practically encasing the whole of the boys wrist.

A few moments later Clint's eyes start to flutter open, his hand automatically going to reach for my own only to find them almost trapped by Gally's. Both the boys cheeks flush in embarrassment when Clint realizes Gally just saw one of his episodes. Gally coming to the realization he hadn't wanted to risk his friend losing the feeling of comfort the weight of his hands may have given him. I bit the inside of my cheek to hide the fond smile prodding at my lips.

Clint sits up on his elbows, looking around before throwing his head back with a groan. "We're in the canteen?" He whines in disappointment. "Why in here of all places in this godforsaken glade?" He lets his head fall back onto my legs and his eyes shut. "I'm doomed." He mutters softly in pure sarcastic despair. My mouth twists between a half smile and a frown, finding it slightly amusing but also feeling bad for Clint. "If it makes you feel any better you almost clocked Gal here in the face." He laughs a little, stifling it when he sees Gally's slightly offended expression before we all burst into rib aching laughter.

One of Clint's hands find its way to my own, giving it a grateful squeeze while the other stays with Gally's. "Thanks for doing this with me. Sorry I almost gave you a black eye Gally." He says softly, a slightly ashamed yet grateful smile playing on his face. "Always." I say messing up his curls with my other hand before he sits back up. "What do you say we raid the fridge?" He asks helping me up and pulling the both of us to the kitchen. "Sounds great to me." I mutter grabbing Gally's hand and pulling him with us. He chuckles behind me and lets me, knowing that he wouldn't be able to get out of it anyhow.

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