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"Holy shit! What the hell did you do?" I ask taking Gally's hand. "It's nothing, just missed a nail." He says trying to take it back. "And hit your hand with a fucking hammer?" I ask keeping ahold of his wrist. "I'm fine, At." He insists trying to take it back again. "Fine my ass Gally! Come on." I say leading him to the med-tent. "Ugh, but I hate this place." He says trying to pull against my grip. "Mate, you're not going to get out of that grip so you may as well go in." Newt says, walking by. "Shuck off!" He whines. "Gally." I say giving him a look. "Fine." He pouts yet again.

"Sit." I order, pointing to the cot. "You said it would be quick!" He accuses seeming offended. "Sit the fuck down drama queen." I say turning my back to him. I grab his paper and some other things. "You're the meanest person I know sometimes." He says pouting at me. "Thanks, it means so much that you think so highly of me." I smile, taking his blood pressure and temperature. "It's just my hand! I don't need all this clunk." He says trying to get the sleeve off his arm. "Too bad. This is me making sure nothing else is wrong with you, you impatient bastard." I say pumping the bulb. 100 over 70 I jot it down into his info along with 97.6 degrees now, we do this.

"Gimme your hand." I say sitting down and holding my own out. Gally looks genuinely hesitant to give me it. Shit, uh be comforting. "I just have to see if it's broken." I say softly, moving to that I'm beside him instead of across from. Gally's eyes dart around the tent once and he slowly un-cradles his hand and gives it to me. Holy fucking hell. His hand is now big as a ballon and purple. It's broken. "Uh Gally? When did you miss the nail?" I ask not even touching it but feeling the heat coming off it. He mutters something, too quiet and rushed to make anything out of it. "Talk louder, I can't hear you" I say softly taking his hand in mine and looking at the bruise in the middle of his thumb and pointer finger. "Like three hours." I says barely loud enough to hear. THREE HOURS?! WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T HE TELL ME? "Fucking hell, Gal." I sigh.

"I'm gonna need you to be completely honest when I ask where is hurts. You won't be able to use your hand ever again if you aren't." That's a big ass lie. That's the point he'll tell the truth. Gally nods and let's me readjust his hand. "Okay, does this hurt?" I ask putting a little pressure on his wrist. He shakes his head no and I move my thumb to his pinky. "What about this?" I ask he makes a little bit of a face but shakes his head. "A little but not too bad." I nod and move closer to his thumb. "What kind of pain is it? Like a throb, pinprick, or shooting pain?" I ask referring to his still swelled hand. "More like a throb than anything." Good throbbing pain in thumb (probably a hairline fracture) "That's good. Means that it's not too serious, you'll just have to keep it in ice for a while, and then I'll be able to bandage it correctly.

"Fry, we need ice." I say standing in the kitchen doorway, Gally standing behind me. "What are you two up to?" He asks grabbing the tub of ice that's underneath the counter. "Nothing, Gally here was an idiot and got himself hurt." I say taking the bowl. "Thanks, Fry." I say turning and walking back to the tent with Gally. "You can sit back down. I'm gonna get a grab a rag and get it damp." I say walking out.

Fucking idiot. I dip the rag into the lake and ring it out. "This'll work." I mumble to myself, walking back into the tent. "Here." I say putting a few ice cubes on the rag and securing it with some thread. "Put this on it, it'll make the swelling go down." Gally takes the ice and puts it on his hand, sucking in a breath. "Sorry, it's gonna sting a little." I apologize, getting out the stuff for his wrap.

   "There, you're all good." I say finishing his sling. "Great!" He says going to walk out of the tent. "Wait! You're not allowed to work at least four weeks." Gally goes to protest. "No! No exceptions you'll just hurt yourself more." I walking over to him. "I mean it, Gally." I say as we walk over to the hut. He grabs a half empty bottle of cherry vodka and opens it. "Before dinner?" I ask with a smirk. "Figured you could use it you workaholic." He replies taking a swig and handing me the bottle. "I'm the workaholic?" I toss back almost all the alcohol in the bottle and smile at him. "I have an idea." He says with a shit eating grin. "Be right back!" He says over his shoulder as he jogs off. I'm not even gonna ask. I think downing the rest of the bottle.

    This fucker wants to do what? "C'mon I'm positive this is what my drink was missing!" He says pouring most of the unflavored vodka into the yellowish substance. "Taste it!" He says practically force feeding it too me. "Alright! Alright I'll taste your nasty ass drink."  I laugh, throwing it back. I cough a few times before I can even speak again. "Wow! That's so bad but so strong." I say handing it back to Gally who takes a drink of it, spitting it out immediately. "Holy shit that's nasty." He mutters.

     I lean to grab another bottle of vodka. "At, I think we've had enough for before dinner." He says putting his good arm in my way. "Fucker." I say straightening my back. He leans back in the bench and I grab a bottle, running away. "Goddamnit. Athena! Get back here!" He says taking off after me. Fucking stubby legs. I sprint to the nearest tall tree and start to climb it. Shit shit shit shhhhhhhhh I think as he runs by underneath the tree. I let out a little laugh as I hear him yelling my name throughout the Glade. "Dumbass." I mutter myself, popping off the lid and taking a sip of vodka. What the fuck flavor is this? I look at the label to see SUMMER WATERMELON "I guess I like summer." I mutter leaning into the tree.

I should go down. But I don't wanna. I should tho. But those people are boring.. except for George. George is cool. I sigh, trying to block out my thoughts as I climb down the branches, trying not to break my neck. "Almost...ow fuck!" I say as I miss one of the lower branches and fall on my back. I open my eyes to see Frypan standing above me. "Hi Fry." I say dragging out the vowel in 'hi' while trying to sit up, failing of course. "How much have you had?" He asks me picking up the almost empty bottle of Summer Watermelon. "I don't think you really want the answer to that." I smile. "Can I have that back now?" I say getting up successfully this time. "Shuck no!" He says holding it away from me. "Pleaseee?" I asks, giving him my best puppy eyes. He huffs at me. "Fine. But don't tell Gally!" He says with a chuckle. "Thank you! You're...my new bestie." I giggle hugging him.

   I walk back to the hut and lay down in the hammock. "Mmm." I hum starting to rock it back forth. "Hey." Oh shit. Im dead...eh I sit up at the voice. "Hii, not so jolly green." I say as he sits down next to me. "How you feeling?" He asks taking the bottle from my loose grasp. "Amazing." I say looping my arm underneath his. "You sure did drink a lot." He says, noting the bottle that started full. "Just a little." I say leaning further into his side.

Gally picks me up like a baby once again and carries me to my tent. I whine in protest. "Here, I'll be back with some water and toast." He walks away and as promised brings me toast with a big jar of water. "Thank you." I say telling the glass and setting it on the stump beside my bed. Gally nods and goes to walk out. "Stay?" He turns around and walks back over to me, I scoot over on the makeshift mattress to make room for him. He sits down and puts his arm around me. "I had a lot fun today, thanks for everything." He whispers into my hair. "Anytime, Gally boy." He shakes his head, I can feel his smile against the crown of my head. "Eat your toast." He mutters. "If do I'm gonna up chuck all over you." I say pushing it a little away. "Then drink your water?" He suggests. I know he's trying to help damn this boy is clueless. "Same thing'll happen. Just get me a bucket and leave for bit? Please. Or maybe some pizza, literally anything greasy." I say scooting a little back on the mattress. I can feel my buzz starting to fade away. Realizing it was much too soon for that, I look out my window seeing only the night sky. "When did the sun set?" I ask looking up at him as he stands. "A few hours ago...you looked at it for like ten minutes straight." He chuckles, finally leaving the tent.

    Gally brings me the bucket but sits back down next to me. "This is going to be gross. You don't need to see me gross." I say trying to push him away. "I'm not leaving you to spill your guts alone." He says pulling my hair out of my face. "Fine." I roll my eyes with the smallest smile ever, grabbing the water and downing half of it. Gally rubs my back as I pour my intestines through my mouth.

"Never let me drink that much again." I say putting the bucket down and getting up to grab my toothbrush. "I didn't exactly let you." He says with a chuckle. "You literally hid from me. Of course after you came out of hiding you ran around the glade terrorizing Alby." He walks over to the other hammocks and grabs his own toothbrush. "Well- I can't even argue with you on that." I sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose, still feeling woozy and lightheaded. This is going to hurt like a bitch tomorrow.

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