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      "Hey, you two." Minho says with a little too broad of a smile. "You don't look like you're about to tear each other apart." Winston notes. I make a face at the both of them. "We decided we were both being shanks." Gally says sitting in our regular spot. "I like that sweater, At." Fry says with a smirk. I kick him under the table and he chuckles. "Who's is it?" Newt asks glaring at the clothing. "Mine." Zart says sitting down next to Gally and nudging him in the side. "She's chilly when we was talkin' earlier." Newt nods, shifting his glare to Zart. "Mhm." He hums returning to his food. I mouth a 'thank you' to Zart who nods and Gally laughs a little, finding the interaction absolutely hysterical. I roll my eyes at him, kicking his foot with my own.

     I pull the sleeve down on the sweater and head into the Med-hut. "So, who's shirt is that actually?" Clint asks straightening the bandages. "And before you say Zart, he's been with me and Jeff pretty much all day and hasn't been wearing one." He puts his hand on his hip and smiles a little. "It's Gally's." Clints smile grows bigger. "Before you say anything it's only because I needed to hide a bruise from Newt. You know how worried he gets for no reason." I say instinctively holding my hand slightly behind me. Clint raises his eyebrows at the action and gives me a yeah-right look. "What's wrong with you?" He asks. I sigh shaking my head. "Nothing." I insist, walking over to the medicine cabinet and starting inventory.

      "I'm still wondering why they gave us pain pills now of all times." I think out loud. "No ide- When did that happen?" He cuts himself off mid word. I turn around to see him looking at my leg. "When did what-" I look down to see a gash in my calf. "I have no idea." I reply frowning, just as surprised and confused as him. I pull my pant leg the rest of the way up and look at the still bleeding wound on my leg.

"I'm not even sure how I would have gotten this." I say grabbing gauze and alcohol. "Let me." He says kneeling on the ground next to it. I roll my eyes and try to take my leg away. "I trained you. I can do it just fine myself." Clint just laughs taking my leg back. "You've got to learn to let other people help you sometimes, Doc." He says with just as much snark.

    "You really are too clumsy for your own good aren't you?" Gally asks nodding to my stitched up leg. "I guess." I shrug sitting down on the log he's in front of. "Why do you always sit with your back to the log?" I ask leaning one of my elbows on my knee. He shrugs, resting his head on it. "Not sure, just more comfortable this way." He says with a yawn. "It's like three in the afternoon, Gal. Are you feeling okay?" I ask putting my hand against his forehead. Holy shit he's hot. "I'm fine, just tired." He says suppressing another one. "Just tired my ass, let's go." I say dragging out of his seat.

    "I don't need to be in here." Gally insists. Hard headed asshole. "Gally, just open your damned mouth." I sigh. He opens his mouth and I stick the thermometer in. "Close." He really still needs instructions for this shit? I think walking over to the cabinet and pulling out the Motrin bottle. The thermometer beeps and I take it. 103.2 holy fucking hell. I grab his paper and write it down. "Open your mouth again for me." I say a little gentler, getting a flash light. He opens his mouth and lets me look at the back of his throat.

Foot breath. Fanfuckingtastic "You've got strep throat." I say turning back to the cabinet. "You in pain?" I ask looking over my shoulder. "A little." He nods, his eyelids fluttering. "Stay awake so I can give you these." I say grabbing the Motrin and Cephalexin. "This will help with the fever and pain and this'll help with actually getting rid of the strep." I say handing him the pills. He nods and takes them with a glass of water. "You can sleep in here if you want." I offer, grabbing a pillow from a different cabinet, to which he just nods. "Here." I put the pillow down at the head of the bed and Gally lays down, snoring within seconds. Sweet dreams, Jolly Green. I smooth a hand over the side of his head, grabbing a blanket and laying it over his sleeping form.

    Walking over to the kitchen I stop when I see George in there with Fry. I'll go see Zart instead. I think, not bothering to suppress my smile and redirecting to the gardens. "Hey!" I greet sitting on a nearby log. "Howdy." Zart smiles wiping his hands on a rag. "Thanks for earlier." I say scooting over. "No problem, he's a lil crazy when it comes to you." He acknowledges sitting next to me. "Yeah, no shit." I laugh lightly.

     "What did want to ask me earlier?" I question, it having just come to mind. "Oh-uh, do- woul' you like to maybe uhm hangout with me 'morrow? Just us." Zart stumbles out after a while. Don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh. I smile a bit at his nervousness and decide to tease just a bit. "Are you asking me on a date?" I ask feigning curiosity. Zart just nods, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I guess I am." He mutters, his cheeks flushing "In that case, it sounds like a lot of fun, Z." He visibly relaxes and smiles a bit more. "Okay, uh seven good for you?" He asks. "Yeah, seven works great." My smile grows a bit more and I lean back on my right hand. Zart's smile broadens and he stands up, heading back to work.

     I practically skip over to Newt and Minho by the homestead. "I'm stealing him." I say grabbing my brother by the arm and dragging him to my hut. "What is it then? Why've you drug me all the way in here?" He laughs sitting down on my bed. "I think I have a date." I say sitting down next to him. "What? With who? Is it Gally?" He attacks me with questions, leaning forward. "It's not with Gally! I told you we're just friends and that's all we will ever be." I say rolling my eyes at him.

"Okay okay! Then who is it?" He asks looking desperate for an answer now. "Zart. I know I haven't really talked to him very much until recently- but he's really sweet and he always covers for me when I do something stupid." Newt smiles and almost laughs. "You're nervous!" He accuses. "I am not!" I try to defend crossing my arms. "Yes you are! You ramble like a maniac when you're nervous my dear sister." I roll my eyes at him, a small smile fighting its way into my face.

"Enough about me! How's it going with Winny the Pooh?" I ask leaning back on the hut wall. Newt smiles even more and adjusts so he's facing me. "It's bloody amazing," he laughs. "He's so sweet to me, and he steals my favorite food from the kitchen for me at midnight. And he just- he's just so romantic, gah!" He falls back on my bed with a biggest smile ever. "That sounds like a fairy tale, I'm happy for you squirt." I say trying not to laugh at the gleeful look on my little brothers face. Newt opens one of his eyes halfway. "Never call him Winny the Pooh again." He says trying to be serious and miserably failing. "Like that'll happen." I laugh laying back beside him. "Sleepover?" I ask rolling my head to the side. "Sleepover." He confirms, hopping up to grab his shit.

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