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Greenie's POV

I don't want to step on anyone's toes or some klunk like that by trying to hit on her. She and that Newt kid seem pretty close but he's like two or three years younger than us, ain't he? I lean back against the log, letting myself start to relax for what feels like the first time in a long time, but who knows? I've only been here for a few hours. I let out a small frustrated breath at the feeling of relaxation leaving me almost completely for no apparent reason.

    I jump slightly at someone sitting on the log behind me, turning to see a boy with styled black hair and a cocky smirk. "Relax Greenie." He grins, holding out a hand. "Name's Minho, I assume you don't have any shuck idea what yours is yet?" He asks, leaving his elbows on his knees. I shake my head, leaning is back on the top of the log. "No. It's driving me crazy." I respond surprised at my own honesty. "Don't sweat it, we were all like this when we first came up." He says, his smirk morphing into a gentle smile. I nod slightly, though only feeling the least bit more at ease.

"Alright Greenie." I look back at Minho, who hasn't given me two minutes of silence since he sat with me. "We're gonna go do something. And you're going to stop moping or whatever the shuck it is that you're doing." He grins standing up and pulling me with him. "C'mon dude." I follow behind him, not sure that I actually have another choice. "Where are we going?" I ask when he starts toward the hut I was in with Athena earlier. "To get my accomplice." He replies over his shoulder.

We walk over to the hut, Minho tapping a rhythm onto the door and it opening to reveal a grinning Athena and a younger looking boy with a head of loose brown curls who smiles politely at me then turns his attention to Minho. "It's been a while since we've had any fun, don't you think?" Minho asks walking into the hut uninvited. I stick in the doorway, unsure if she even wants us here or not.

"Greenie, get in here and sit down. You're making things awkward." The boy with brown hair says, patting the floor next to him. I look to Athena, silently asking permission. She grins widely at me and jerks her head to side. I walk into the surprisingly large hut and opt to sit next to her and across from Minho, leaning stiffly against the bed. "So what do you have in mind Minho?" She asks forward slightly. "Alby or Newt?" He asks, a wicked grin on his face. "I think you know my answer Min." She returns the grin and laughs again, the other two joining in.

I walk through the Glade with the boy who's name I don't know yet. "Wait so who are we doing this to?" I ask in low voice to the boy with brown hair. "Newt, we never pass up the chance to pull some klunk on him." He smiles, his face morphing into one of worry very quickly. Before I have a chance to ask he grabs me by the arm and yanks me behind the large, unstable looking watchtower. "Wh-" he cuts me off, putting a finger to his lips turning to peak around the side of the wood. I follow suit, poking my head out just enough to see Athena and an older looking boy arguing about something, not paying a second glance to anyone around them.

"You can't just abandon your job whenever you shuck want! We all have our place here and I expect you to start falling into line." The older boy throws his arms in frustration, glaring at the Med-Jack. "Alby all I'm asking for is one goddamn day so that I can celebrate Newt's birthday with him. Mind you he doesn't even know when it is." Who I assume is Alby crosses his arms throws her an even dirtier glance. "Are you incapable of letting other people experience the slightest joy in your presence?" She fires at him, not effected by the harsh look in his eyes. I look over to the boy questioningly and he just shrugs, this isn't a part of the plan.

The two of them keep arguing but start to edge away from us, towards the other end of the Glade. "We should go, right?" I ask glancing back to him. "Uh yeah and we should probably advise Minho not to pour the pig klunk on her brother while she's this mad." He jogs off towards the kitchen where Minho is lying in wait. Brother? I shrug off the relief, picking up the pace to catch up with him.

Clint's POV

       The greenie seemed almost surprised when I said Newt is Athena's brother. Eh. I dismiss his reaction and change my pace to more of a sprint when I see Newt nearing the kitchen. "Shuck shuck shuck." I mutter under my breath, running harder. "She gonna kill us if he gets hit with that?" The Greenie asks now next to me, talking as if this is just a light shuck jog. "Yes!" I practically shout. I'm somewhere between laughing about this and klunking my pants in fear. "Alright." The greenie says casually passing me and moving into what I assume is his sprint. "Holy klunk." I sigh, slowing to a walk. He couldn't have done that sixty seconds ago? I lean my hand on my knees, catching my breath. "If that dude isn't the runner to get us out of here no one will." I mutter to myself, starting to walk again, ignoring my body's every protest.

      I make my way over to the canteen and grab a glass of water from Frypan who probably just saw everything we just did. "Next time y'all decide you want to prank Newt, do it from the top of somewhere else. Minho spilled the manure over the edge and almost hit Jack with it." He reprimands me, though a small chuckle escapes his mouth. "Will do." I mutter chugging the rest of the glass and heading over to the others.

      "Fry says the next time you almost hit one of his cooks with Klunk you won't just have to worry about Athena." I grin seeing Newt look over at us with an incredulous eye. "Worry about me?" Athena asks coming up from behind me and resting a hand on both mine and Greenie's shoulders. "Whatever do you mean?" She asks feigning innocence. "You're a little scary sometimes, At." Gally chimes in from the right, but he doesn't make any effort to join us. "Oh please! I am not." She makes a show of throwing her hands in the air in exasperation.

A builder I've seen with Gally a few times snorts at this comment. "You literally threatened to sew Gally's mouth shut yesterday!" The Greenie's eyes widen at this but he recovers quickly, subtly moving a few inches away from her side. I hold in laughter at this, to save him some face but also so attention isn't turned onto me.


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